Author: Godfred Badu Quansah


President George Manneh Weah has appointed the Deputy Minister of State for Administration at the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. G. Wesseh Blamoh, as Acting Minister of State/ Presidential Chief of Staff. According to the Executive Mansion release, In accordance with the Act establishing the Office of the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. Blamoh accepts full fiduciary responsibility for running its operations. His preferment follows the resignation of former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. Nathaniel Farlo McGill.

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Monrovia- Release-President George Manneh Weah has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion marking the observance of Germany’s Unity Day Anniversary.   In the message to his German counterpart, His Excellency Frank Walker-Steinmeier, President George Manneh Weah, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in his own name, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the German leader, and through him, to the Government and people of Germany, as they commemorate this historic event in the midst of the prevailing global security and economic challenges.  …

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Following days of mixed reactions from the public about his action to discontinue an interview on a local radio station in Monrovia OK FM 99.5 on the program OK Morning Rush over lack of mannerism.Montserrado County Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon re-appear on Wednesday, September 28 edition of the program to provide clarity on a particular controversial bill that was proposed by members of the Senate and later rejected by members of the House of Representatives. According to the Montserrado County Senator, his action was not intentional, nothing personal, nothing begrudging or bitter between him and the show host, Clarence Jackson.…

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Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has welcomed the Supreme Court of Liberia’s Decision in Favor of Punch FM. The PUL welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision to deny the Liberian Government’s appeal against the Civil Law Court ruling on the opening of Punch FM. The Supreme Court in its decision in favor of Punch FM indicated that the government had no legal ground in canceling the license of the station thereby denying its appeal. The Press Union of Liberia in its release described the decision as a victory for freedom of the press in Liberia. PUL President, Charles Coffey lauded the…

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Monrovia- The National Elections Commission (NEC) Board of Commissioners (BOC) hosted an information-sharing and fact-finding session with a joint high power delegation of the One United Nations, ambassadorial missions, as well as international and regional partners on the NEC compound on 9th Street, in Sinkor Monrovia-Liberia, on Friday, September 23. The NEC is moving toward its voter registration procedure, thus this gathering is a first of its type, bringing the world community to Liberia together to see the Commission. The UN and its regional and international partners organized the gathering in Liberia. The NEC’s Chairwoman, Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah, welcomed…

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New York-The Republic of Liberia and Jamaica, on Thursday, September 22, in New York as part of the Bilateral engagements of the UNGA, signed a joint communiqué establishing formal diplomatic relations between the two countries.Liberia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., signed on behalf of the Government of Liberia, while the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jamaica, Amb. Kamina Johnson-Smith signed on behalf of her government. The communiqué was guided by the desire of both countries to promote mutual understanding and strengthen friendship and cooperation, as well as the principles of the United Nations Charter relating to…

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Monrovia-The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Henry B. Fahnbulleh has extolled the Korean Government for the humanitarian and development assistance it continues to render the Government and people of Liberia, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Liberia and Korea about 60 years.        According to Minister Fahnbulleh, the longstanding relations and cooperation between Liberia and Korea have been mutually fruitful and rewarding to the mutual benefits of the two governments and peoples.     A Foreign Ministry release stated that the Liberian Acting Foreign Minister was speaking on Friday, September 23, 2022, when the visiting high-level Korean…

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Press Release-The Republic of Liberia and the Republic of Tajikistan, on Wednesday, September 21, signed a joint communiqué establishing formal diplomatic relations between the two countries. The communiqué was guided by the principles of the United Nations Charter relating to the promotion of international peace and security, the respect of national sovereignty, equality among states, independence, territorial integrity, international treaties and non-interference in internal affairs, and the desire by both countries to promote mutual understanding and strengthen friendship and cooperation. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Liberia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. signed on behalf of…

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Ahead of the 2023 general and Presidential elections in Liberia, a Representative hopeful in District #12 Montserrado County has vowed to unseat the incumbent Lawmaker George Beyan Samah due to poor representation at the level of the Legislature. According to Farwen D. Jepekei, the Current Lawmaker has abandoned the District as such, the people of District #12 are prepared to honorable retired him comes 2023. The representative hopeful noted that the current Lawmaker does not have the requisite qualifications as a Leader to manage and steer the affairs of the District. He added that the people are confronted with a…

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As Liberia, joins other countries around the World to celebrate the International Day of peace, the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation has organized a day -Long peace dialogue aimed at maintaining the peace and stability of the country. The day-long program brought together state securities from across the security sector of the Country to include: Ambassadors, Development Partner, Members of the Armed forces of Liberia, Liberia Immigration Service, The Liberia National Police, and Students from across the seventeen electoral Districts of Montserrado County, Religious Leaders, members of the joint security amongst other. Serving as Keynote speaker at the occasion,…

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