Author: Godfred Badu Quansah


Monrovia, Liberia – Aiming at increasing vehicle and business registration, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), in association with the Ministry of Transport (MoT), Liberia National Police (LNP), and the National Federation of Motor and Tricycles Association of Liberia (NAFOMTAL), has started a heightened compliance enforcement exercise across four counties. Focused on Margibi, Bong, Nimba, and Grand Bassa Counties, the project aims to guarantee that motorbikes, automobiles, tricycles, and enterprises connected to transportation fully follow Liberia’s traffic rules. This covers correct vehicle registration and making sure operators and owners are properly licensed. The government’s more general plan to improve domestic resource…

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Monrovia, Liberia – More than thirty African nations are anticipated to join in celebration of the National Identification day, observed across Liberia. Speaking with reporters Tuesday, September 10, 2024 in Congo Town, Andrew Peters, NIR Executive Director said the core of Global ID Day is to increase worldwide awareness about the value of unique identity and to bring to international attention, the misery of millions of people who lack legal identity. Director Peters said, under the worldwide theme “Celebrating the Right to be Visible,” Monday, September 16, 2024 will be the celebration of ID Day at Monrovia City Hall. According to…

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Monrovia, Liberia – Six African nations are anticipated to pursue the adoption of a unified currency regime in order to attain economic unification, according ac Vice Liberia’s President Jeremiah Kpan Koung. Vice President Koung said the nations are Liberia, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria speaking Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at the 17th Annual Banking and Finance conference in Abuja, Nigeria. He said the policy framework will set the stage for the establishment of a shared currency for every ECOWAS member state. The vice president added that the six nations have a shared obligation to make wise economic decisions to lower the debt…

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Monrovia, Liberia – The Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has underlined the importance of small-skills fisheries in the Liberian Fisheries sector characterizing them as the heartbeat of the fishing communities across the Country. Speaking Tuesday, September 10, 2024, in Monrovia at Royal Hotel, under the opening session of a three-day fisheries workshop centered on the development of small-scale fisheries training curriculum for future leaders, organized by the University of Liberia Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and the Liberian Fisheries Authority, NaFAA in collaboration with Duke University, FAO, and Conservation International (CI). Madam Emman Metieh Glassco stressed that…

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Monrovia, Liberia – In a bid to strengthen collaboration between the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA) and the Liberian media, the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Center (KAIPTC), with support from the Government of Denmark, has completed a media training course focused on enhancing maritime security reporting in the Gulf of Guinea. The five-year project aims to deepen cooperation among maritime stakeholders while equipping media practitioners with the knowledge to address critical maritime security challenges. Speaking at the launch of the initiative, Mr. Nya S. Gbaintor, Principal Director for Administration at the Liberia Maritime Authority, emphasized Liberia’s significant role in global…

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Monrovia, Liberia – Renowned Cyber Security experts, Victor K. Jarlwood, Jr. and Liberia Cyber Warriors Team are expected to head and lead Liberia at the Cybersecurity Excellence, amid LiberiaQualifications for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) CybersecurityRegional Hackathon. The ECOWAS Cyber Security Regional Hackathon in a congratulations message to Liberia’s team dated August 1, 2024 said that the Road Ahead, Preparing for the Finals in Nigeria after a month of rigorous qualification rounds, the team is now preparing for the finals in Nigeria October. We are thrilled to announce that Victor K. Jarlwood Jr. and the Liberia Cyber…

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Monrovia, Liberia – Under a partnership with Duke University, FAO, and Conservation International (CI), Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (DoFAS) at the University of Liberia (UL) have revealed the conduct of a small-scale fisheries (SSF) training workshop titled: “Development of a Small-scale Fisheries Training Curriculum for Future Leaders-Adopting the Illuminating Hidden Harvests Global Approach for Assessments, Analysis, and Monitoring of Small-scale Fisheries”. The Fisheries Workshop, scheduled for Tuesday 10–12 September 2024, will take place at the Royal Grand Hotel in Monrovia and is meant to assist faculty and staff of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Program (FASP) at the Ul, NaFAA,…

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Monrovia, Liberia – On Saturday, September 7, Liberia and the People’s Republic of China participated in a one-day Trade Forum in Shenzhen City, China’s “Silicon Valley,” third most populated city after Shanghai and Beijing where Liberia presented several investment prospects in the areas of tourism, trade, agriculture among others. Supported by the African Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of the Republic of Liberia (Beijing) held the Forum in association with Shenzhen Municipal Government’s Foreign Affairs Office. Under the Forum’s subject, China and Liberia Cooperating in Building a High-Level China Africa Community with a Shared Future in…

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Monrovia, Liberia – To increase Liberia’s tourism industry, the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism has signed a non-bidding Memorandum of Understanding with a multimillion-dollar real estate developer in the People’s Republic of China for the building of hotels, housing estates and amusement parks. The improvement of tourism in Liberia, a sector of top importance in Liberia’s national development plan being implemented since January 2024, depends much on accommodation facilities – hotels and residences. Signed at the China-Liberia Trade Forum held in Shenzhen City, the MOU Mr. Zheng Xudong signed for Shanghai Black Rock Lake…

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Monrovia, Liberia – Reports from Margibi County indicate that one hundred pre-trial and convicted prisoners more over have fled the Kakata Central Prison. Early Sunday night, the mass jail break allegedly happened when the inmates physically injured and over came many of the on-duty guards and overcame them.  An eyewitness claimed the scene was chaotic. He added that their vast number overwhelmed local people trying to stop the escaping prisoners. Although local media has been attempting nonstop for comments on the topic, prison officials have remained silent regarding the incident. About the injured guards’ escape or circumstances, officials have not yet…

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