Monrovia, Liberia – Liberia’s dedication to a feminist foreign policy was highlighted by Cllr. Deweh E. Gray, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, during the third International Conference on Feminist Foreign Policy, which took place in Mexico City from July 1–3, 2024.

Government representatives gathering at the conference were dedicated to bringing a gender perspective to bear in international relations, either by enforcing gender equality in their foreign policies or by adopting corresponding feminist foreign policies (FFPs).

Participants in the event reiterated the obligations of their countries with regard to key human rights principles such as respect for diversity, nondiscrimination, and gender equality.

These are regarded as prerequisites for attaining the goals of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the establishment of just, prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable communities.

Deputy Minister Gray emphasized Liberia’s commitment to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically SDG 5, which focuses on attaining gender equality and the empowerment of all women, young women, and girls in their diversity, and mainstreaming gender perspectives into all development efforts.

Deputy Minister Gray underlined Liberia’s continued adherence to these ideals and the significance of group effort in building a more promising and just future for everybody.

Key commitments from the conference included:

1. Advancing gender-responsive reforms to reshape financial and economic systems, prioritizing sustainability, climate justice, and peace.

2. Designing gender-responsive fiscal and budgetary policies that address the rights of all women, young women, and girls, including their involvement in decision-making.

3. Reaffirming the role of women in conflict prevention and resolution, mediation, and peacebuilding, emphasizing their full and meaningful participation in these efforts.

4. Eliminating the gender digital divide by ensuring equal access to technology and promoting women’s skills and leadership in science, technology, and digital cooperation.

5. Incorporating the voices of youth, particularly young women and girls, in decision-making processes related to foreign policy.

6. Promoting conditions that allow women, young women, and girls to participate fully and effectively in public life and eradicating gender stereotypes and all forms of discrimination and violence.

7. Including intersectional, intercultural, and intergenerational perspectives in feminist foreign policy design and implementation.

8. Promoting South-South and triangular cooperation to eradicate gender inequality and gender-based violence.

9. Strengthening mechanisms for participation and collaboration with civil society, particularly women’s and feminist organizations.

10. Continuing joint cooperation and collaboration within the United Nations System and other international forums to enhance efforts towards substantive gender equality.



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