Over 25 reporters covering the Executive Mansion are currently benefiting from a two-day intensive training on fact-checking.

The training is being organized by the Liberia Media Initiative and implemented by Internews in collaboration with the Local Voices Media network and the Center for Media studies and peacebuilding.

The training which commenced Thursday and is expected to end on Friday, July 29, 2022, is Co-financed by the European Union and currently taking place at the Corina Hotel in Monrovia.

Speaking during the start of the training Thursday, July 28, 2022, the Project Director of the Liberia Media Initiative Samuka Konneh, said the two-day training is intended to provide freedom of information through quality journalism which includes capacity building of journalists to improve storytelling and strengthening capacities to identify and counter misinformation and disinformation campaigns, hate speech and rumors in traditional and social media.

He further indicated that training was made possible by consistent engagements by the leadership of the Executive Mansion press Corps.

According to him, fact-checking is the interior part of journalism practice in Liberia, adding that the training is a great opportunity for executive Mansion reporters; something he noted that the training is the first of its kind for executive Mansion reporters.

Meanwhile, the chairperson of the Executive Mansion Press Corps, Dennise Nimpson lauded Internews and partners for organizing such training for reporters covering the Liberian presidency.

She added that participants will take a keen interest in the security media relation session during the training, something she believes is a serious problem faced by reporters assigned at the Mansion.

For his part, Deputy Presidential Press Secretary Smith Toby noted that it is his belief the training will give Executive Mansion Reporters a new sense of responsibility, thus calling on journalists in Liberia to uphold the ethical standard of reporting, something he stressed that journalists should not feel complacent with the level of job they do for the Liberian people.

At the end of the training, participants are expected to promote freedom of expression through quality journalism as well as promoting freedom of information through the implementation of the FOI Act and increase citizens’ awareness of the FOI Act.

Participants will also produce stories focusing on government accountability and further advocate for the government to pass specific legislation addressing the protection of data and privacy.

Reported by: Boima Johnson

Contact: +231776193697
Email: boimajohnson38@gmail.com


+231778397650/+231881378585 gbaduquansah@gmail.com

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