Monrovia, Liberia – A prodemocracy organization, the Faith and Justice Network is calling on the Liberian government through the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, the Asset Recovery Team and the Justice Ministry to make individuals found guilty of corruption not only face the full extent of the law, but also have their ill-gotten gains confiscated and returned to the public coffers.
The network’s Executive Director, Reverend Doctor, Tolbert Jallah, said this will send a clear message that corrupt practices will not lead to personal enrichment, but rather to the loss of ill-gained wealth and privileges.
Speaking during a news conference in Monrovia on Monday, Reverend Doctor Jallah emphasized that the money obtained through corruption ought to go toward programs that will help the Liberian people, including healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
According to the Faith and Justice Network’s executive director, people who misuse their positions of authority for their own benefit need to receive lengthy prison terms commensurate with the gravity of their crimes.
Reverend Doctor Jallah stated that in order to guarantee accountability and the rule of law, the Faith and Justice Network would push for the full implementation of current anti-corruption laws as well as the enactment of new, more stringent legislation where needed.
The Reverend Doctor Jallah then commended President Joseph N. Boakai, for his decisive action for suspension of non-compliant government officials who have failed to declare their assets as required by law.
The Faith and Justice Network insisted that it is still dedicated to promoting justice, honesty, and moral leadership in order to defend the rights and dignity of every Liberian.
The network reaffirmed its commitment to collaborating with all relevant parties, such as the international community, civil society, and the Liberian government, in order to build a more fair and just Liberia for all.
The organization called on citizens, government officials, and public servants to support these measures and work together for the common good. It is time to hold those in positions of power accountable, and to take back what has been stolen from the people of Liberia.
The faith-based group also called on all government officials to take this matter seriously and comply with the legal requirements, as it is essential for building a better, stronger Liberia.
Reverend Doctor Jallah added that the network stands in support of this important move toward greater transparency and the promotion of justice, equity, and good governance in Liberia.
The network reaffirmed its commitment to justice, transparency, and accountability in Liberia and called for the eradication of corruption in all sectors of society and remain resolute in our call for immediate and decisive actions against corrupt officials and individuals who rob our nation of its potential.
Reported by: Prince Saah
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