The presidential candidate of the Collaborating Political Parties for the 2023 elections has received the backing of opinion and traditional leaders of the Grebo people from four counties in the southeast. Hundreds of Grebo people from the counties of Sinoe, Rivergee, Grand Kru, and Maryland, supported by opinion and traditional leaders, declared their support for Alexander Cummings because they did not perceive any advantages from the assistance provided by President George Weah since assuming office a little more than four years ago.

At a Grebo United for Cummings function conducted at the Clara Town Soccer Pitch in Doe Community on Bushrod Island over the weekend, Reverend Peter Gbarbo read and gave the statement to Alexander Cummings.

“We would like to tell the Liberian people and assure you that we are ready, resolved, and prepared to go above and beyond in working with you until you achieve this worthy cause. This will enable you to redeem and set our nation on a new pedestal of genuine economic growth, development, and prosperity. As members of the Grebo ethnic group from Montserrado County and other southern counties, we officially pledge our support for you in the 2023 presidential elections. We would like to take this chance to express it. We will now go out on a tour of the four counties to further inspire and urge our countrymen to support our resolution to elect you as the next president of Liberia. We want to start these excursions out with the Grebo people in the counties of Sinoe, Grand Kru, Maryland, and Rivergee.”

Alexander Cummings, the leader of the Collaborating Political Parties, claimed in his acceptance address that the reunion of his kinsmen had answered the question of his political base. The CPP candidate promised the Grebo People that he would never let them down, unlike previous politicians who they had supported in the past. Cummings commended the populace for expressing a desire to support their own son and kinsman for the nation’s top civil post.

The endorsement program was highlighted by remarks from different Grebo ethnic groups from Liberia’s southeast expressing their support. Grebos from Sinoe County was represented by Bryant Quayee, while those from Grand Kru County were represented by Wellehtu Seah, Rivergee County was represented by Ben Milton Jowah, a former aide de camp to former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Maryland County was represented by General Jeremiah Hinneh. Jonathan Sebwe, the senator for Rivergee County, as well as George Wisner, Eric Giko, and Kai Jerbo all expressed their support.

Numerous residents of Sinoe, Grand Kru, Rivergee, and Maryland Counties, as well as members of the CPP’s national executive committee and well-wishers, among others, attended the program.

Reported by: Augustine Octavius

Contact: +231777463963




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