A dedicated multi-stakeholder including   Representatives of Liberia and the European Union committee have delivered a technical proposal on how to integrate the laws concerning community forestry into the legality assurance system, being developed through the Volunteers Partnership Agreement (VPA).

Speaking at the Monrovia City Hall on Thursday, March 14, 2022. The Representatives affirmed that the  proposal will  be reviewed by Liberia and the European Union,  to further contribute to the legality and
sustainability of Community Forestry in Liberia.

According to them 2021 November,  President Weah and the President of the European Commission Madame Von der Leyen joined world Leaders’ declaration on Forests and Land Use in Glasgow at the 26th meeting under the UN Agreement on Combating Climate change.

“We pledged to conserve forests and implement policies that would ensure their protection, restoration, and sustainable use”, they asserted. 

They Maintain, in light of their independent reports on the long-term sustainability of the Liberian Forest sector were presented
and discussed, concluding on the need to identify a suitable forum to develop a clear pathway to a more integrated approach to the management of the forest across the Country.

Pictorial from Liberia and EU propose to evacuate illegal use of the forest.

Meanwhile,  the Representatives said, under their VPA, Liberia has committed to developing a timber legality assurance system so that,  it can issue verified legal timber products with licences to facilitate access to the EU market where they reach higher prices. 

“A Liberia-EU Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) oversees the implementation of the VPA, and its outcomes”, they emphasized. 

They said, their discussions is focusing on the framework of partnership, an atmosphere of mutual respect  with participation from a broad range of representatives from other Government of Liberia Ministries and Agencies, representatives of Communities. 

Reported by: Joseph Tumbey 
Email: josephtumbey@gmail.com

Phone number:(+231)777941209.

Whassap: (+231)777941209


+231778397650/+231881378585 gbaduquansah@gmail.com

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