Monrovia- The two-day International Day of Students symposium in Monrovia has officially come to an end, according to the Liberia National Students Union (LINSU). “A right band prelude to Equity, sustainable peace, Democracy, and National Development” was the symposium’s chosen theme.
The Assistant Minister of Children and Social Protection at the Mistry of Gender Social Protection spoke as one of the panelists. According to Mamiah G. Carr, it is essential for young people to engage in national decision-making processes since doing so fosters a nation’s development.
She asserts that the Department’s function is to defend the rights of women, children, vulnerable individuals, and people with disabilities nationwide whose rights have been violated.
Madam Mamiah emphasized that the law against gender-based violence included a variety of topics and was meant to protect everyone. She urged young people to examine the law to make sure it is being followed to the letter.
The International Conference was focused on comprehending how impacted youngsters affect their communities and assisting youth from underprivileged backgrounds and conflict-affected communities in making good contributions to local peace.
“Youthful networking has gone global, and it has become customary for young people and students to congregate at conferences of this nature in order to forget their own destinies more constructively and to develop new methodologies that can immediately mitigate many of our societal problems, which primarily stem from grassroots bases.”
Mohammed Kamara, president of the Liberia National Student Union, commends the Liberian government for fully supporting the idea of organizing such a distinctive symposium under the name of the National Youth and Students’ Summit-2022 through the Ministry of Education, which is overseen by Honorable Minister Prof. D. Ansu Sonii (NYSS-2022).
In the quest to realize their dream of making a contribution to the growth and development of the country, he claimed that this platform is one that young Liberian students and youths may use. He warns LNSU members not to forget that the Hague detainee Charles G. Taylor’s Neo-political gangsterism, the barbarism of the illiterate military rule, and the moribund oligarchy at the time drove many of the rank and file’s brightest minds into exile and some of them were horribly admitted into martyrdom.
Reported by: Joseph N. Kerkula
Contact: +231777376826