Monrovia, Liberia – The man who was seen unconscious and receiving assistance from LNP officer during the violent protest in Congo Town has reportedly passed away, according to information on social media. The Liberia National Police (LNP) in a statement refute the claims in the public and some media outlite.

According to an August 23, 2024, LNP release, Prince Zammie, a 43-year-old resident of the Fiamah community, is currently receiving medical treatment at the JFK Referral Hospital. This is in contrast to rumors and claims of the victim’s death, LNP state that the victim was rescued and taken to the hospital by LNP officers from the protest grounds.

In a release, the LNP strongly denounces the circulation of misleading information and exhorts the public to confirm the reliability of their information sources before distributing such lies about the Police. It is detrimental and deceptive when false information is published.

The has LNP called on citizens to remain calm; saying, “We are committed to keeping the public informed about the health status of Prince Zammie and other Joint Security officers who also sustained injuries during Thursday’s protest.”

Fourteen people who were detained during Thursday’s violent protest have been charged and are before a judge to face legal proceedings, the LNP added. The fourteen suspects include Aaron Soe, Emmanuel D. Sumo, Korpo L. Boakai, Gifty Johnson, Elijah D. Gweh, Christian K. Perry, Itea F. Borbor, Varney D. Wilson, Lawrance G. Bessiah, Samuel Joe, Joseph Z. Benson, Prince Zammie, Derrick Sekeh, Odonnell A. Corbin, and Alieu S. Brima.

They faced numerous charges, including: Aggravated Assault, Criminal Mischief Riot, Failure to Disperse, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Solicitation, Criminal Conspiracy, Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder, Criminal Facilitation, Criminal Solicitation, Criminal Conspiracy, Physical Obstruction of Government Function, and Aggravated Assault.

“We implore every citizen to abstain from acts of violence and to assist law enforcement officials.”

Reported by: Prince Saah

Contact: +231778239813




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