Monrovia, Liberia – Mohammed Ali, the Manager Director of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC), has acknowledged deceiving the public about the first Mini-Water Supply System project constructed in Gbarpolu County.
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, LWSC Director Ali acknowledged lying to the public on a local radio station in Monrovia. He explained that his first description of the mini-water well’s depth was incorrect, indicating that it was 500 feet rather than 750 feet.
Mo Ali told reporters on Prime FM, “They are controversial, but my first thought on what we have agreed upon was that the water well should be 750ft deep; now my engineers confirmed to me that the well is actually 500ft deep and not 750ft deep as claimed early.”
When asked by journalists whether he regretted his actions, Ali claimed that he had no regrets; insisting that he had been the most criticized public figure in Liberia. The clarification of the LWSC boss came after citizens characterized the project as a mere scam intended to embezzle public funds.
On February 26, 2025, President Joseph N. Boakai dedicated the first ever Mini-Water Supply System project in Gbarpolu County estimated to US$25,000. However, the value of the project and the deepness of the well announced by Ali was highly criticized and challenged by many others, including activist Martin K.N Kollie.
Despite the pressure, Director Ali persisted and maintained his position until he appeared on a local radio station, where he was questioned by reporters and later succumbed. On his Facebook page, Ali responded to Martin Kollie’s accusation by saying, “Dear Martin K. N. Kollie, I’m not sure it would have cost you anything much to call and get some guidance from me on what a water system comprises, but I guess your pretense to know everything would not have allowed you to make such a call. Just a little education here: a water supply system is not just the small building you saw. It comprises the water source, the treatment system, the power system, and the extensive transmission and distribution systems.”
Mo Ali continue, “A description of the Bopolu Mini-Water Supply System: 1. A deep well that’s 750ft. 2. 4-inch pipe network underground: 1.718 kilometers. 3. 2-inch pipe network underground: 1.371 kilometers. 4. 3/4-inch pipe network underground: 213 meters. 5. The building hosting the mini chlorinator, the lithium battery, the reservoir and the solar system. Let me also remind you that 4 water kiosks with 6 faucets each were constructed. For easy reference, see the water supply system map. Martin, you have absolutely no idea what a water system is. Stop pretending to know everything simply because you want show that everything everyone does is wrong and that you are the only person who can do right.”
Reported by: Prince Saah
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