Liberian Maritime Commissioner Lenn Eugene Nagbe has announced that Liberia will not remain on the periphery of international maritime organizations “where matters of the industry are being decided”. Given Liberia’s crucial role as a leading maritime nation, he said, there is a need for the country to have a seat at the table of the global players.

The Liberia Maritime boss was speaking on June 1, 2022, at the 75th Session of the Council of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation And Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) in Copenhagen, Denmark. There he emphasized that re-joining the IALA will enable Liberia to contribute to the implementation of its port and coastal state obligations, as well as implement other international conventions.

It will lead to the “reduction of marine accidents, increased safety of life and property at sea, as well as the protection of the marine environment” the Commissioner said.

Mr. Nagbe told members of the IALA governing council that Liberia will be a reliable partner once admitted and that the country intends to use the opportunity to train and build the capacity of Liberians in the areas of marine aids to navigation, as well as collaborate with other nations in the field while providing specialized training in accordance with IALA standards.

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities, which was previously known as the International Association is Lighthouse Authorities, was founded in 1957 to collect and provide nautical expertise and advice to member nations. Liberia’s membership was withdrawn in 1983 following the military coup in the country.

One of the major pursuits of the Liberia Maritime Authority’s Commissioner has been to ensure that the country regains its rightful position in the global industry.

At the meeting, he explained that the National Port Authority of Liberia and its agent, APM Terminals, are already concluding technical details to upgrade the navigational aid infrastructure in order to return it to 24-hour operation.
“Given its important location in the Gulf, this measure will further position Monrovia as a strong link in the global maritime safety and security chain,” Commissioner Nagbe said, noting that IALA support is a “critical catalyst in this venture”.
According to a Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism (MICAT) release, IALA Council is expected to make a decision by June 3, 2022, on Liberia’s re-admittance before the close of the convention in Copenhagen.



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