Today, I stand before you with a heart filled with gratitude and hope. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who participated in the October 10 polls, ensuring that they were largely peaceful and orderly. Your dedication to our democracy and the peaceful exercise of your right to vote is a testament to the strength of our nation.

I must commend the National Election Commission for their tireless efforts in successfully implementing this massive democratic endeavor in a peaceful, credible, fair, and transparent manner. I also want to express our appreciation to our international partners who have observed this important process. Your presence and support underscore the importance of these elections not only to us but to the world.


We must continue to sustain the peace of the nation while solidifying our democracy. As you are aware, during the period of campaigning for the first round of the elections, there were instances of violence which led to the loss of lives and the destruction of properties.

The violence in Foya, Lofa County, and the Somalia Drive in Monrovia are particularly noteworthy. They demonstrate that more needs to be done with national reconciliation and healing.

The security forces have made several arrests, and their investigation is ongoing. At this time, I ask that you join me in observing a moment of silence for all who lost their lives during this period. May their souls rest in perfect peace.

We extend profound sympathy to the bereaved families and all those impacted by these incidents.


During the campaign period, I had the privilege of visiting your towns and villages, listening to your concerns, and experiencing the challenges you face, despite the many developmental activities we have already undertaken.   I want to assure you that I am fully aware that there is much more to be done. It is my responsibility to address these needs, and I pledge to continue working tirelessly to do so if the privilege of another six-year mandate is granted to me.

To all Liberians who participated in the exercise of their constitutional right to vote, I thank and appreciate you for helping to consolidate our democratic credentials as a nation.

To my fellow CDCians, independent voters, and all supporters of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your unwavering support has once again brought us to the forefront of Liberian politics. Together, you have made the CDC the most potent and popular political force in Liberia. Your gallantry and dedication have been instrumental throughout our political history.

Let me also extend special thanks to all members of the governing council of our great party: the National Executive Committee, the National Campaign Committee, the Youth and Women Wings, first-time voters, and all auxiliary members.  Your efforts may not have secured a one-round victory, but they have propelled us to the forefront of the political landscape and elevated us to the top position among our political competitors.

And now, as the process of vote tallying has come to an end, it is clear that we are still in a strong position, and your support has not gone unnoticed.  Your commitment and loyalty to our cause have made us proud.  We are now poised for the next step, and we recognize that, with our collective effort, we can cross the finish line to victory.

Fellow CDCians, independent voters, first-time voters, auxiliaries, and supporters of the mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, we were at this same juncture, but our collective resolve to reshape our country’s history carried us to victory. We stand ready to do it again.

I now urge all of you to rally once again. Let this be a call to action for every CDC supporter, first-time voter, auxiliary, and every Liberian who believes in the people’s cause. Wake up, lace your boots, and let us together finish what we started.

I have heard you.  I have heard your voices. My administration has worked tirelessly to improve your lives and develop our beloved country. While we acknowledge that there is more work to be done, let us not forget the progress we have made.

I understand your desire for more, and I assure you that we are fully prepared to do better and greater things in our second term

To every Liberian whose vote we may not have gotten and all other stakeholders in the country, let me also thank you for your contribution to the growth of our democracy and assure you of my unwavering resolve to build a prosperous nation for all, regardless of political, social or religious affiliations. I am therefore extending a hand of friendship, hoping that you will understand that this government has done more in a short period of time; so join me and let us together continue on the path of development.

The next term will be dedicated to completing Liberia’s road infrastructure. We intend to fulfill the pledge of ensuring the country’s capital is connected to every nearby county through fully paved roads.

We will continue to grow our economy in order to provide more jobs for Liberians, including creating jobs in the small and medium enterprises sectors and in key sectors like agriculture and manufacturing.

We will expand the capacity of the Liberia Electricity Corporation to reach more homes while enhancing industrialization and the creation of jobs.

Having reconstituted the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission – which now has seven independent commissioners – we will accelerate efforts to fight corruption and ensure accountability across government. The new LACC – which has already been given unprecedented powers – will have my full backing to independently fight waste, fraud, and abuse of public resources. We will similarly continue to empower every integrity institution, including the IAA and the LACC, while making sure that they work together to move the fight against corruption to a new level.

We will also double our efforts to address concerns about livelihood, employment conditions of civil servants, and youth empowerment.

As a start, we will re-examine the Beach & Waterways Program and bring it back under the supervision of the Liberia Maritime Authority. This is intended to abolish the adhoc approach that has affected this crucial program, which is a source of income for thousands of young people.

At the inception of my government five years ago, we increased the salary of medical doctors. However, due to budgetary challenges, this did not extend to all of our public sector workers including clinical health workers, mainly nurses, midwives, physician assistants, lab technicians, the security sector and teachers among others.

I pledge that we will effect appropriate increments that will be crosscutting in order to impact every public sector worker performing critical service, including those in the security, education, health as well all other sectors, with a view of ensuring improved working conditions so that salary/wages commensurate with prevailing economic conditions.

We also intend to accelerate efforts to ensure traditional leaders are all added to the government payroll.

Today, I am also announcing the end of voluntary workers’ programs both in the health and education sectors. All health workers and teachers currently volunteering will be placed on the payroll beginning January 2024.

Since 2020, we have placed thousands of voluntary teachers on the payroll, and next year, my government commits to placing the remaining voluntary teachers on the public wage. Beyond 2024, my government further commits to hiring additional teachers to continue to close the teacher gap.

As the government continues its policy of subsidizing public schools, we will also subsidize the payment of registration and graduation fees for all students.

We shall also ensure that the WASSCE FEES payment is made perpetual by pushing through with new Legislations, and explore our Tuition-Free Policy for Grades 1-6 in all public schools, in addition to the implementation of our campaign promise of establishing a Nationwide Cadet Program for young graduates.

This is a cause to which I remain fully dedicated.

Some Liberians will begin asking the relevant question about how the government will pay for these policy changes. The simple answer to my fellow Liberians is that my government over the past 5 years has increased domestic revenue by more than 120 million US dollars. We used some of this increase to finance the 2023 elections, which cost the Government 53 million US dollars. Considering that we will NOT have another election until six years from now, we can use some of this increase to enhance the welfare of public sector workers in health, education, as well as the security sector with the aim of improving living conditions.

Liberians deserve better, and this is what I was elected to provide and why I am seeking a second mandate to continue to deliver to you, the Liberian people.

As president, I have traveled throughout this country and engaged thousands of young people and young leaders. They have dreams of being leaders tomorrow of leading promising lives. These elections are about these young people. These elections are NOT about George Manneh Weah. As a government, we have fought to protect the freedoms of Liberians and to put the government at the disposal of all Liberians. My second term will be to deliver for these young people, to work harder, so that they can have the Liberia they dream about.

I remain confident in our ability to lead Liberia into a brighter future. With your support, we can finish what we started and continue building a stronger, more prosperous nation. I look forward to seeing you again on the campaign trail, where we will join hands and hearts in the spirit of unity and progress.

Liberians, we have come a long way, and there is a promising future ahead. I humbly ask for the opportunity to build on our progress, address our challenges, and make Liberia an even greater nation in the coming years.


I am the President and candidate who has done more for you against the defeated opponent who promised to do for you. 

In 2017 we were at 14th street and during the second round we moved to 2nd street and we were victorious. During this election we began our journey on 18th street and today we are back at 2nd street against the same defeated opponent. This alone should tell you that we will be victorious again.

May God bless Liberia, and may God bless each and every one of you.

I thank you.


+231778397650/+231881378585 gbaduquansah@gmail.com

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