Monrovia, Liberia – The Civil Service Agency (CSA) has been praised by President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. for taking prompt action to ensure adherence to the national asset declaration requirement. The CSA has essentially stopped paying government employees who have disregarded the President’s mandate, in keeping with the Administration’s commitment to openness, responsibility, and sound governance.

In order to optimize the effect of these money, the Liberian Leader has instructed the CSA to work with the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning (MFDP) to create an escrow account for the whole amount of blocked wages, which is around $90,808.56.

The “One Child, One Chair” Presidential Initiative will use these monies to improve learning environments in elementary and secondary schools across the nation.

The President has also directed the CSA to collaborate with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in order to guarantee the prompt acquisition and delivery of chairs to underprivileged schools.

Additionally, the Bureau of State Enterprises (BSE) has been directed to apply comparable sanctions on State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) executives who are still suspended for failing to comply with the asset declaration requirement. Additionally, the money raised from these activities will go toward the “One Child, One Chair” campaign.

According to the President, this action strengthens the commitment to maintaining honesty in public service while giving priority to policies that directly benefit Liberians, especially school-age children. To promote more accountability, the Liberian leader urges all public officials to abide by asset reporting laws.



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