Monrovia, Liberia – Chinese President Xi Jinping  delivered a keynote address on Thursday at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) opening event. The Chinese President expressed his delight for the gathering of African Leaders “so many old and new friends” in Beijing to review outstanding ideas for China-Africa friendship and cooperation in the new age.

Warmly greeting all delegations and participants on behalf of the Chinese government and people, the Chinese Leader noted that the friendship between China and Africa runs down generations, across time and distance over mountains and oceans.

President Xi Jinping said that the founding of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000 represents a turning point in the history of China-Africa relationships. China has developed forward hand in hand with African States in the spirit of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith for the last 24 years, especially in the new era.

“We stand shoulder to shoulder with each other to firmly defend our legitimate rights and interests as once-in-a-century changes sweep across the world. We get stronger and more resilient together by riding the tide of economic globalization, delivering tangible benefits to billions of ordinary Chinese and Africans. We share weal and woe in fighting natural disasters and epidemics together, creating touching stories of China-Africa friendship. We always empathize with and support each other, setting a stellar example of a new type of international relations.”

The Chinese Leader claims that the early 70 years of relentless work from both sides have brought the China-Africa friendship to its greatest in history. With future development in mind, He suggested that bilateral relations between China and all African nations with diplomatic ties to China be elevated to the level of strategic relations and that the general characterizing of China-Africa relations be raised to an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era.

Modernizing, according to President Xi Jinping, is a fundamental prerogative of every nation. Still, the Western attitude to it has caused much hardship for underdeveloped nations. Represented by China and African countries, Third World nations have attained independence and development one after another since the end of World War II and have been working to correct the historical inequities of the modernization process.

“As we are about to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, we are going all out to build a great modern socialist country in all respects and pursue national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization.”

The Chinese president also mentioned that Africa is waking once more and is moving steadily toward the modernizing targets specified in the Agenda 2063. The combined quest of modernization by China and Africa will start a tsunami of modernization in the Global South and launch a new chapter in the path toward a society with a common future for mankind.

“We should jointly advance modernization that is just and equitable. In promoting modernization, we should not only follow the general rules, but also act in light of our national realities. China is ready to increase exchanges of governance experience with Africa, support all countries in exploring modernization paths befitting their national conditions, and help ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for all countries.”

“We should jointly advance modernization that is open and win-win. Mutually beneficial cooperation is the sunny road to the betterment of long-term and fundamental interests of all countries. China is ready to deepen cooperation with Africa in industry, agriculture, infrastructure, trade and investment, promote exemplary, high-quality Belt and Road cooperation projects, and build together a model for the delivery of the Global Development Initiative.”

“We should jointly advance modernization that puts the people first. The ultimate goal of modernization is the free and full development of human beings. China will work vigorously with Africa to promote personnel training, poverty reduction and employment, enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people in the course of modernization, and ensure that all will benefit from the process.”

“We should jointly advance modernization featuring diversity and inclusiveness. Well-balanced material and spiritual advancement is a lofty objective of modernization. China will enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges with Africa, champion mutual respect, inclusiveness and coexistence of different civilizations on our way to modernization, and strive together for more fruitful outcomes under the Global Civilization Initiative.”

“We should jointly advance modernization that is eco-friendly. Green development is a hallmark of modernization in the new era. China is ready to help Africa build “green growth engines,” narrow the gap in energy accessibility, adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and jointly push for the global transition to green and low-carbon development.”

“We should jointly advance modernization underpinned by peace and security. Modernization would not be possible without a peaceful and stable environment for development. China is ready to help Africa improve its capacity in safeguarding peace and stability independently, prioritize Africa in implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI), promote mutual reinforcement of high-quality development and greater security, and work together with Africa to uphold world peace and stability.”

One-third of the world population is found in China and Africa. Global modernity cannot exist without their modernization. The Chinese government promised to always collaborate with Africa in the next three years to implement the following ten modernization projects, to strengthen China-Africa cooperation and drive the Global South modernization.

China made a commitment at the opening session to cooperate with Africa to create a knowledge network for development, a platform for governance experience sharing, and 25 centers on China and Africa research. The center is expected to bring 1,000 members of African political parties to China to enhance interactions of experience in party and state governance, and better employ the leadership academies of Africa to nurture talents for government.

The Chinese government said it will open it market broader on its own will and unilaterally. The Chinese government have agreed to treat all LDCs with diplomatic ties to China, including 33 African nations, zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines. China is now the first developing nation and the first large economy to do such a move. It will enable Africa’s great potential to be derived from China’s huge market. China will start a “China-Africa quality enhancement program,” increase market access for African agricultural products, and deepen e-commerce and other sector cooperation with Africa. To give long-term, consistent and predictable institutional guarantee for trade and investment between the two sides, we are ready to engage into framework agreements on economic cooperation for shared development with African nations.

China promises to advance the Pilot Zone for In-depth China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation, encourage industry cooperation growth clusters with Africa, and start a “African SMEs empowerment program.” To embrace with the most recent round of technological revolution and industrial change, we will develop with Africa a digital technology cooperation center and start 20 digital demonstration projects.

The China expressed readiness to implement 30 infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa, advance alongside high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and create a China-Africa network including land-sea connections and coordinated growth. To further trans-regional growth in Africa, we are ready to help the African Continental Free Trade Area grow by deepening logistics and financial cooperation as well as by means of assistance.

China is poised to unveil the Joint Statement on Deepening Cooperation within the Framework of the Global Development Initiative with Africa and carry out 1,000 “small and beautiful” livelihood initiatives. We will restocked the China-World Bank Group Partnership Facility in order to advance African growth. We back Africa in organizing the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations and the 2026 Youth Olympic Games. Together with Africa, we shall be delivering more rewards of development to the two people.

China is ready to set up cooperative medical facilities and hospitals alliances with Africa according to President Xi Jinping. Two thousand medical professionals will be dispatched to Africa, and will start 20 projects including malaria treatment and health facilities. “We will urge Chinese businesses to make investments in African pharmaceutical manufacturing and keep on doing our part to assist Africa in handling epidemics. To increase public health capability in every African nation, we support the establishment of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The Chinese leader announced that China will send 500 agricultural experts, create 100,000 mu (approximately 6,670 hectares) of standardized agriculture demonstration sites in Africa, give RMB1 billion yuan in emergency food aid, and form a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation partnership. To advance community welfare, we intend to carry out 500 projects across Africa. By Chinese and African firms, we will also promote two-way investment for new company operations, help Africa to retain additional value, and generate at least one million employment for Africa.

China will establish together an engineering technology academy, apply more firmly the Future of Africa-Vocational Education Cooperation Plan, and create 10 Luban Workshops with Africa. Mostly for women and young people, we will offer Africa 60,000 training opportunities. Along with an endeavor of cooperation on innovation in radio, TV, and audio and visual shows, we will start with Africa a Cultural Silk Road project. The two sides have decided to mark 2026 as the China-Africa Year of People-to– Peoples Exchange.

China is prepared to start thirty clean energy projects in Africa, install meteorological early warning systems, and engage in catastrophe prevention, mitigating and relief as well as biodiversity preservation, the Chinese president maintain. “We will construct together thirty joint laboratories, set up a China-Africa forum on peaceful use of nuclear technologies, and work on satellite remote sensing and lunar and deep-space exploration. Everything is meant to support African green development.”

The Chinese government continued that it is ready to build with Africa a partnership for implementing the GSI, and make it a fine example of GSI cooperation. We will give Africa RMB1 billion yuan of grants in military assistance, provide training for 6,000 military personnel and 1,000 police and law enforcement officers from Africa, and invite 500 young African military officers to visit China. The two sides will conduct joint military exercises, training and patrol, carry out an “action for a mine-free Africa,” and jointly ensure the safety of personnel and projects.

The Chinese government agreed to offer RMB360 billion yuan in financial support over the next three years in order to carry out the ten cooperation actions. This amounts RMB210 billion yuan of credit line, RMB80 billion yuan of aid in different forms, and at least RMB70 billion yuan of investment in Africa by Chinese corporations. China will also help Africa to create panda links in China for results-oriented cooperation in all spheres may be strengthened.

Following a successful Third Plenary Session of its 20th Central Committee in July, the Communist Party of China presented methodical plans for even more thorough deepening of reform to propel Chinese modernization. “China will be much more changed as result. It will also offer African nations and our shared quest of modernization fresh chances and new motivating impulses.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping “As an African proverb goes, a friend is someone you share the path with. On the path to modernization, no one, and no country, should be left behind. Let us rally the more than 2.8 billion Chinese and African people into a powerful force on our shared path toward modernization, promote modernization of the Global South with China-Africa modernization, and write a new magnificent chapter of development in human history. Let us join hands to bring about a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress for our world.”

Photo credit: Xinhua



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