The superintendent of the Monrovia central prison said due to the overcrowdedness of the Prison, they have decided not to accept any inmates as of January  3, 2022, due to the current situation at the facility.

According to  Superintendent  Varney  Lake,  when the facility was constructed at that time,  it was only there to Carter to 370 inmates but the facility currently holds about  1,386 inmates which is causing serious challenges for the Correction officers and the inmates.

Superintendent  Lake said September of last year was the only time they received supply from the  Ministry of  Justice for inmates who are yet to provide such supply for them. He added,  it is a violation of the rights of inmates to have better living conditions and better meals but, it is they had not been able to have these services from last year  September up to the present.

The prison superintendent noted that, due to the lack of limited space for inmates, they decided not to accept more inmates from any  Court throughout the  Country until the right things are put in place by providing food and other basic services.

“The facility is currently out of  Food, the President of the Republic of Liberia donated  100bags of rice to the Prison facility but as I speak the 100 bags of rice that was provided had all finished,” superintendent Lake cry out.

According to Mr. Lake, there is no food today January 4, 2022, for inmates and they are trying their very best to reach to other friendly organizations and friends who had been working behind the seen in other for the inmates to have a better meal since September of 2021, especially Jeety Trading Corporation he added.

The prison  Boss spoke on the OK  Morning  Rush on Tuesday,  January  4, 2022, he pleaded with Judges and Magistrates not to always send people to court for petty things. According to him, one of the reasons why the Prison is overwhelming with inmates is that some cases that are meant for police stations are being transferred to the Monrovia Central Prison.

Barely twelve hours of the superintendent pronouncement of shortage of food at the prison center, tJeety Trading Corporation as part of its social corporate responsibility supply hot prepared cook meal to the inmates on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

Reported by: Taisiah K.Merfee


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