New President Blasts LFA 

Monrovia, Liberia – The Sports Writers Association of Liberia has inducted a new core of officials into office. The officials were elected late last year in accordance with the association constitution. Last year, the Spoerts Writers Association attended a congress and election process that led to the election of six elected officials.

Those elected into positions include; Varmah Kamara – President, Christopher Walker – Vice President, Edwin Dolo – Secretary General, Jerome Willie – Assistant Secretary, Naomi Tappia – Financial Secretary, and Yusuf Mafin Sherif – Chaplain.

The new president of SWAL, Varmah Kamara, spoke at the event and criticized Mustapha Raji’s administration for allegedly conducting football in Liberia in a clandestine manner, suppressing the media, and causing division among sportswriters, all of which he said had a detrimental effect on the organization.

Mr. Kamara did not hold back when he criticized and brought attention to the urgent problems that sports journalists have been facing ever since Raji took over at the Football House.

Kamara expressed disappointment about the unsuccessful attempts by the departing leadership to create a Memorandum of Understanding between SWAL and LFA during the Mustapha Raji administration.

The football house has come under fire from the new SWAL president for secretly choosing a small number of members to cover the organization’s events while depriving the vast majority of members of access to first-hand knowledge.

Kamara cautioned against discriminatory practices and urged the LFA’s leadership to embrace inclusivity in its operations, welcoming all sports journalists, especially those who have filed for accreditation.

He emphasized the necessity for sports journalists to stand together in order to hold stakeholders accountable and the need for professionalism and credibility in the industry.

Kamara questioned the transparency of the vetting procedures, prior performance records, salary, and benefits, which he alleged were not revealed to the public, with regard to the hiring process of the new Lone Star Coach and his subordinates.

Citing the senior national team’s poor performance in spite of alleged government assistance and FIFA possibilities, Kamara voiced concern about the situation of Liberian football.

In addition, he raised concerns about the LFA’s lack of transparency, which has led to a legal conflict between the organization and the building’s construction company, CESAF-Liberia.



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