Journal Article by: Amb. S. Mixillanean Jeromes Jr.

Monrovia, Liberia – Introduction: In the intricate tapestry of a nation’s governance, the role of leadership is akin to the guiding thread that weaves through every aspect of society. The impact of a leader, be it positive or negative, reverberates far and wide, shaping the fate of the country and the lives of its people. However, when an individual ill-prepared for the demands of leadership ascends to power, the repercussions can be catastrophic. This article delves into the perilous waters of unprepared leadership, dissecting the risks it poses to a nation and its populace. Drawing on scholarly research and empirical evidence, the following exploration sheds light on the perils of unprepared leadership and the ripple effects it can unleash.

Ineffective Decision-Making: The essence of leadership lies in the ability to make sound decisions that steer a nation towards prosperity and well-being. However, when a leader lacks the requisite expertise, knowledge, and experience, the decision-making process becomes riddled with pitfalls. Research conducted by Klein et al. (2019) underscores that leaders deficient in domain-specific skills are prone to making faulty decisions. These lapses in judgment can culminate in ill-conceived policies, governance inefficiencies, and a failure to tackle critical national issues. As Smith (2018) aptly notes, the repercussions of flawed decision-making can reverberate throughout society, impacting citizens at every level.

Lack of Understanding of Complex Issues: The landscape of modern governance is a terrain fraught with complexities, requiring leaders to navigate intricate economic, social, and political challenges with finesse. Yet, leaders ill-prepared for the rigors of their role often find themselves adrift amidst these complexities. Research by Hitt and Ireland (2017) illuminates that a lack of preparedness hampers leaders’ ability to grasp the nuances of multi-layered problems and devise effective solutions. This dearth of comprehension can impede a nation’s progress, exacerbating existing issues and stalling development efforts, as highlighted by Jones (2016).

Inability to Navigate International Relations: In an interconnected global landscape, adeptness in international relations is a cornerstone of successful governance. Leaders unprepared for the complexities of global diplomacy may find themselves at sea, grappling with the intricacies of international dynamics. Studies by Walker (2020) emphasize the pivotal role of leadership preparedness in representing a nation effectively on the global stage. Failure to grasp these shades can strain diplomatic ties, thwart opportunities for collaboration, and compromise a country’s standing in the international community.

Hitt, M. A., & Ireland, R. D. (2017). The intersection of entrepreneurship and strategic management research. The Blackwell Handbook of Entrepreneurship, 45-63.

Jones, G. R. (2016). Organizational theory, design, and change. Pearson.

Klein, G., Calderwood, R., & Clinton‐Cirocco, A. (2019). Decision making in action: Models and methods. In Handbook of cognition (pp. 321-348). Elsevier.

Smith, J. (2018). The effects of leadership preparedness on organizational performance. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 25(4), 410-426.

Walker, L. E. (2020). International relations scholarship and global political leadership. International Studies Review, 22(3), 602-626.



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