President George Manneh Weah has by Proclamation declared Tuesday, July 26, 2022, as Independence Day and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a National Holiday.

The Proclamation calls on all citizens and foreign residents within the territorial confines of Liberia to observe the Day as such; the release further orders government offices and business houses closed during the observance from 6:00 ante meridian to 6:00 post meridian. 

The Proclamation requests all citizens, in solemn cooperation with all Prelates, Priests, Deacons, Evangelists, Imams, Elders, and other Members of the Sacerdotal Order, regardless of religious creed, to gather together with one purpose in their respective places of worship in each city, town, village, hamlet, home, especially in the City of Monrovia,  Montserrado County,  on Friday, July 22, 2022, and Sunday, July 24, 2022, and offer thanks and praises to God for His blessings showered upon us in the past and present times and beseech Him for his continuing goodness and beneficence towards all peoples and nations of the earth, especially, the people of the Republic of Liberia.

The Proclamation also requests citizens of Liberia to offer thanks and praises to God for his blessings showered upon the nation in the past and present times and beseech Him for his continual goodness and beneficence towards all peoples and nations of the earth, especially the people of the Republic of Liberia. According to the Proclamation, it is in grateful recognition of the blessings and miraculous deliverances that the Almighty God has bestowed upon Liberia as a nation and states, that Liberians across the nation need to give thanks and adoration to the Almighty God for saving the state and to remember the brave and timely decision of the nation’s forebears on July 26, 1847. The Proclamation also requests citizens of Liberia to offer thanks and praises to God for his blessings showered upon the nation in the past and present times and beseech Him for his continual goodness and beneficence towards all peoples and nations of the earth, especially the people of the Republic of Liberia.

According to the Proclamation, it is in grateful recognition of the blessings and miraculous deliverances that the Almighty God has bestowed upon Liberia as a nation and states, that Liberians across the nation need to give thanks and adoration to the Almighty God for saving the state and to remember the brave and timely decision of the nation’s forebears on July 26, 1847. The Proclamation is in consonant with the “Patriotic and Culture Observance Law” title 26, Liberia Code of Law of 1956, which set aside the 26th day of July of each year as a National Holiday to be known as Independence Day and appropriately celebrated as such.    According to the Proclamation, it is in grateful recognition of the blessings and miraculous deliverances that the Almighty God has bestowed upon Liberia as a nation and states, that Liberians across the nation need to give thanks and adoration to the Almighty God for saving the state and to remember the brave and timely decision of the nation’s forebears on July 26, 1847.

The Proclamation is in consonant with the “Patriotic and Culture Observance Law” title 26, Liberia Code of Law of 1956, which set aside the 26th day of July of each year as a National Holiday to be known as Independence Day and appropriately celebrated as such.    According to the release, the official program in observance of the Day will take place at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion, on Ashmun Street, Montserrado County; commencing at 11:00 AM with Minister Mawine Guatta Diggs, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Liberia, serving as Guest Speaker, under the theme: “Fostering Unity, Protecting Peace for Development and Prosperity”.  The Proclamation is in consonant with the “Patriotic and Culture Observance Law” title 26, Liberia Code of Law of 1956, which set aside the 26th day of July of each year as a National Holiday to be known as Independence Day and appropriately celebrated as such.    

According to the release, the official program in observance of the Day will take place at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion, on Ashmun Street, Montserrado County; commencing at eleventh o’clock ante meridian; with Honorable Mawine Guatta Diggs, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Liberia, will serve as Guest Speaker, under the theme: “Fostering Unity, Protecting Peace for Development and Prosperity”.  “In His infinite goodness and mercy, the Almighty God had blessed and flourished The work of the minds, hearts, and hands of all the people of the Republic of Liberia from July 1847 when this nation was declared a free, sovereign, and independent state; and from thenceforth, through the years of our national existence, manifold and varied have been the experiences of the nation and its people, who through it all, have been able to forge their way by dint of perseverance, devotion, and courage.”, the Proclamation declares. According to the release, the official program in observance of the Day will take place at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion, on Ashmun Street, Montserrado County; commencing at eleventh o’clock ante meridian; with Honorable Mawine Guatta Diggs, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Liberia, will serve as Guest Speaker, under the theme: “Fostering Unity, Protecting Peace for Development and Prosperity”.  

“In His infinite goodness and mercy, the Almighty God had blessed and flourished The work of the minds, hearts, and hands of all the people of the Republic of Liberia from July 1847 when this nation was declared a free, sovereign, and independent state; and from thenceforth, through the years of our national existence, manifold and varied have been the experiences of the nation and its people, who through it all, have been able to forge their way by dint of perseverance, devotion, and courage.”, the Proclamation declares. 

By: Stephen G. Fellajuah
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