The Weah led government has broken grounds for the construction of several projects in Lofa County. Lofa one of the largest counties in the country is challenged with many developments.
On July 30, 2022, representing President Weah, the Executive Director of the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment Mr. Quiwu Pepci Yekeh broke grounds for several Presidential Special projects in Lofa County.
The aim of Mr. Yekeh’s presence in the county was to brake grounds for the construction of Lofa’s first Pro-Poor Housing Units for medical practitioners in Salayea, Zorzor and Fissebu iconic pregnant women Housing Units and the construction of Zorzor City Hall.
It was a happy occasion when people gathered to welcome Mr. Yekeh to Lofa County and could be seen dancing and having a good time. Mr. Yekeh met with a variety of groups during his time in Lofa as a young man, including women, children, youth, and elders, traditional and religious leaders, and the CDC Party Leadership in the County, among others, as he ably represented the Liberian Leader in that region of the country where the CDC-led government found it challenging to establish itself.
The people of Lofa County did not hide their support for the Weah re-election bid come 2023. They thanked Mr. Weah for his numerous support for his people especially the developmental attention switch to Lofa county. The people of that county chanted and promised Mr. Yekeh that Lofa is for Weah come 2023.