Author: Godfred Badu Quansah


By: Stephen G. FellajuahWhatsApp 0777015294Email With barely 15 months to go, to the Presidential and Legislative elections, Team Amin Modad of the Unity Party has said it cannot afford to make the mistake of changing an experienced and over-achieving leadship with one that does not understand the political inner workings of the UP and that of Liberia. The team under the Chairmanship of Cllr. Jeror Cole Bangalu on Tuesday, July, 19, 2022 called a major press conference in Monrovia to announce their aspirants for the upcoming UP National Convention in Gbarnga, Bong County, scheduled from the 26 – 29…

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After two successful extensions of contracts for about four years and a half to an international energy company to manage the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), a trained and equipped Liberian has taken over the managerial position of the country’s national grid. The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) is a public utility created in 1973 by the Government of the Republic of Liberia. This entity was developed through an Act of Legislation with a mandate to produce and supply economic and reliable electric power to the entire nation, while at the same time maintaining the corporation’s financial viability.With authority, the mandate and…

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AS HE HILLS LIBERIAN MANAGEMENT Power theft through illegal connections, tampering with meters, transmission and distribution lines, and theft of assets including poles, wires, and transformers, remain the challenges for the Liberia Electricity Cooperation (LEC). As a result of the contending issues, LEC is experiencing high commercial loss and low revenue generation which has translated into high electricity tariffs, placing the country among the highest in the world. To address these challenges, the government of Liberia enacted a Power Theft Act which came into effect in early October 2019. The Act characterizes power theft as a national security threat, and…

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India’s former Honorary Council General Dr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva is to receive Golden Image Awards. Dr. Sachdeva commonly known in Liberia as Mr. Jeety is an Indian Business Man. He is also engaged in humanitarian work especially sharing food with the less fortunate and the needy in society. Dr. Sachdeva who has shared cook meals in serious parts of Montserrado has also extended his humanitarian work outside the county. Mr. Jeety during the heap of the COVID-19 distributed over 60,000 plates of cook food to the people of Monrovia and people in Montserrado. He also provided oxygen to Liberia’s COVID-19…

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The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Chairman Mulbah K. Morlu has called on young people in the country to desist from drug addiction and take advantage of capacity building as the growth and development of the country lies in the hands of the youthful generation. Chairman Morlu said the issues of drug addiction and violence by young people across the country is alarming as such, there is a need to mitigate these challenges holistically. He added that young people should focus and acquire technical and vocational training skills as a means of generating income that will enable them to be…

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The appointment of Coach Ansu Keita as interim manager of the senior national soccer team by the Liberia Football Association has continued to spark huge criticism from the public. The latest outcry is from the country’s most celebrated soccer star, James Salinsa Debbah. Debbah, a former player of the famous George Weah Eleven era, in an open letter to the Liberia Football Association President, Mustapha Raji indicated that the LFA failed to consult former professional footballers whom he believes are the primary authorities on issues relating to football, is nothing but pure egotism. The former national team coach said Keita…

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The President of a 1st division club, Charles Boakai Massaley, has expressed sadness over the reported failure of the Liberia Football Foundation to participate in the 2022 Gothia Cup in Sweden. The competition is one of the World’s most prestigious youth tournaments. Liberia has played in the competition on three occasions and lifted the trophy every time they participated in the tournament. In 1997, Dioh Williams, Dulee Johnson, Zah Krangar, Ezekiel Sunday Doekpa, and others were crowned under 13 champions. The following year, Liberia won the under 14 categories and was again crowned the under 15 championship in 1999. Despite, the…

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The Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform of Liberia and Independent Human Rights Investigators Monday issued a statement on the observance of International Justice Day. According to the groups, they joined the rest of the world, as it is a time to stress the importance of criminalizing and prosecuting grave international crimes domestically. They noted that by establishing a framework to hold alleged perpetrators accountable for the worst atrocities committed during the civil wars, rape, sexual crimes and many injustices that are experienced on a daily basis will show that justice is served in Liberia. The statement that was signed…

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Several women in Gorpayee gather at a sports patch in that part of Nimba to welcome Liberia Leader President George Manneh Weah. The over three hundred women all dressed in traditional attire sang songs of praises to welcome President Weah. They at the same time sang songs promoting women in society, “WOMEN TODAY WOMEN TOMORROW, WOMEN YESTERDAY WE ARE THE SPECIAL WOMEN”. The women who were in different groups all had farm produce in front of them as gifts to Mr. Weah. The short ceremony in Gborpayee was organized by the women of Gbor. Speaking on behalf of the women,…

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The arrival of President Weah in Bahn one of the commercial cities in Nimba was at a standstill as citizens craved to meet the Liberian Leader. Welcoming the president, the Traditional Leaders thanked President Weah for the visit to the city of Bahn-Zoger District. They presented white chicken and kola nut as a sign of peace and welcome. Also welcoming Mr. Weah, Supretadent Logan said, during the campaigning period in 2017, many people said he was not fit for the job but his developmental agenda has proven all critics wrong. He added that his good works in that part of…

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