Kamara, Bong County- An auxiliary group of the Coalition for Democratic Change under the banner; Daughters of Weah on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 was involved in a fatal motor accident that led to the death of three of it’s supporters , and three others injured along the Kakata – Gbarnga highway.
According to reports, the six passengers were onboard a commercial vehicle where all “Daughters of Weah,” a political group established in support of President George Weah’s re-election bid.
The incident occured when a truck traveling from Monrovia allegedly collided with a taxi transporting the Daughters of Weah towards Bong County.
However, survivors of the incident were taken to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Monrovia for urgent medical treatment.
Upon hearing the news in Bomi County, president George Weah cancelled his six days Campaign tour in three of the fifteen counties of Liberia.
The Liberian Chief Executive was expected to visit Grand Cape mount and Gbarpolu counties upon the completion of Bomi County.
President Weah was seen in a hurry late Tuesday evening; returning to Monrovia.
According to the Deputy press secretary Mr. Smith Toby, campaigning activities of the CDC has been put on hole for the next two days.
Toby noted that president Weah will officially resume Campaigning activities across the Western countries after August 24, 2023.