The political leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) Alexander B. Cummings has made a huge donation of medical equipment to the Bushrod College of Science and Technology, BTech situated in the Borough of New Kru Town.

The equipment which is in the tune of Six Thousand (6,000) United States Dollars includes one Human Anatomical Torso, several pieces of Microscopes, and one Ultra Sound Machine.

The ANC political leader donation was triggered by an appeal from the administration of the institution through its president Dr. Edward Forh, stressing the need to enhance the learning capacity of students of the College with the needed equipment for practicals.

Addressing a major news conference Monday, the president of the Bushrod College of Science and Technology, Dr. Edward Forh lauded Mr. Cummings for the equipment donated, stressing that the items from the ANC political leader are among the few external donations that the college has received since its establishment.

According to him, the institution through the administration wrote several communications to prominent citizens including politicians appealing for financial assistance in purchasing practical equipment for the use of students in the Midwifery department of the College and the ANC political leader was the only individual who speedily responded in addressing the needs of the institution.

He further indicated that the equipment donated most especially the Ultra Sound Machine, will make students in the Midwifery department of the college more professional and further give them confidence in providing care for pregnant women in Liberia, something he noted that the use of the Ultra Sound Machine will greatly help to enhance the training of qualified Midwives in the institution and the Country at large.

Dr. Forh has however assured Mr. Alexander Cummings that the administration including students of the College will do all in their powers to ensure that the pieces of equipment are maintained and last longer for the benefit of the students.

He added that it is the responsibility of the school to provide maintenance for the items; something he said the school administration will not continue to beg Mr. Alexander Cummings including other politicians for the exact same equipment if the school fails to maintain those that have been provided.

The BTech president at the same time called on students of the college to take advantage of the equipment and be focused on obtaining the best Midwifery training from the institution.



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