Aims To Reduce Importation Of Rice

Monrovia, Liberia – A six-year national agriculture development plan, dubbed “Liberians feed yourselves,” has been launched by the Liberian government through the Ministry of Agriculture with assistance from its partners. The plan’s goal is to decrease rice imports and raise funds for the government.

The focus of the launch, which drew together national and international partners, legislators, and representatives of the government, was “promoting food self-sufficiency and indigenous wealth creation through agriculture value chain development.”

Speaking at the launch on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Congo Town, President Joseph N. Boakai stated that the National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP), a new six-year policy initiative, aims to improve food production self-sufficiency and revitalize the agricultural sector.

“Ensuring food security for our people is vital as we negotiate the difficult times of climate change and economic difficulties weakening human civilization worldwide. Strengthened by creative approaches and driven by contemporary technologies and extensive investments, the NADP is more than just a plan, it’s a revolutionary blueprint for a safer and more sustainable future.”

The President stated that since agriculture is the foundation of all economies, it is incumbent upon citizens to take proactive measures to fully utilize its potential and promote the advancement and well-being of the populace.

According to President Boakai, the goal of the NADP is to harness the enormous agricultural potential and guide the globe from one of scarcity to one of plenty in order to lessen the excessive reliance on food imports.

According to the president of Liberia, 70% of the country’s population imports rice, despite the country having large areas of fertile land that might be used for rice production.

“By doing so, we channel our scarce foreign exchange resources into importing food items we can produce here in our country instead of channeling those resources into building roads, schools, and health facilities and creating jobs to develop our human capital.”

“This unfortunate situation must change, and the change begins with the NADP, a groundbreaking initiative designed to support and empower our farmers to increase productivity and efficiency through strategic investments in agricultural infrastructure, technology, and research.”

According to President Boakai, the introduction of the NADP marks a paradigm change in the production of food, moving away from traditional subsistence farming and toward large-scale, sustainable, mechanized agriculture.

The Liberian leader said that his government will provide farmers with funding to start large-scale cooperative farms as well as training in contemporary agricultural methods.

According to Boakai, the NADP would transform agricultural methods to turn it into a wise, profitable venture that will draw in all Liberians, but particularly the younger generation.

“With the authority to decide this nation’s future, I pledge to muster the political will necessary to inspire all of us to set off on this crucial agricultural trip. We will provide our farmers access to farmlands, cutting-edge machinery, and better seeds so they can start large-scale operations and produce enough food to feed our people. To revive our flagging economy, we will also increase the amount of cash crops we grow for export.”

According to Boakai, the NADP’s introduction is a call to action for all Liberians, but particularly for important players in the agriculture industry, such as companies, policymakers, researchers, and farmers.

“Your participation is crucial; your technological know-how is vital; your investment funds are indispensable; your wholesale commitment is critical for us to embark on this journey together to meet these targets.”



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