Monrovia, Liberia – Miama Robison, the CEO of Frankie’s Travel and Agency Inc., has received a summons from Monrovia City Court Judge Ben Barco. On July 5, 2023, Madam Robison will appear before Stipendiary Magistare Barco to answer for the theft of property charge brought against her.
The writ claimed that defendant Robison defrauded one Kaifa Dunor between the months of October and November 2021 with the intent to commit a crime in order to purchase a ticket and obtain a visa for the Caribbean island of Barbados.
The writ additionally stated that after receiving the specified sum, defendant Robison has declined to present the ticket and hasn’t either reimbursed the money or stopped using the complainant’s money without authorization.
Judge Barco has directed the Monrovia City Court sheriff to appear in court on July 5, 2023, with Madam Robison’s living body to testify regarding the claim.
Reported by: G. Watson Richards
Contact: +231880381808