Monrovia, Liberia – A huge volume of kush narcotics was found in the possession of a 31-year-old Sierra Leonean national Jibrilla Koinu by the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency agents stationed at the Bo Waterside Port of Entry.
Suspect Koinu, who lives in Sierra Leone’s Mayambo District, was taken into custody while riding in a commercial vehicle on his way to Monrovia.

Officers found seven clear plastic bags containing what they believe to be drugs, especially Kush, inside the Bo Waterside Post of Entry warehouse, where the arrest took place, according to the LDEA.
To avoid being discovered, the materials were wrapped in a black plastic bag and hidden inside a peanut butter-filled mayonnaise dispenser. Weighing 196 grams, the seized items are believed to be worth USD 3,920.00 on the black market, or LD 744,800.00 in Liberian dollars.
The suspect will be sent to court for a trial once Koinu has been given over to the LDEA Grand Cape Mount County Detachment for additional investigation.