Monrovia, Liberia – Ahead of the October 10, 2023 Presidential and legislatives election, opposition Collaboration Political Parties (CPP) says Liberia is gradually descending into serious chaos due to the high level of impunity, and lawlessness across the country.
Speaking at a news conference hosted over the weekend at the CPP national headquarters in Monrovia, the Chairman of Mr. Alexander B. Cummings campaign Team, “Team Cummings”, Amb. Lewis G. Brown said Liberia is gradually into chaos and violence because of the high impunity and lawlessness practice by government against those the breaches the law and Constitution.
“Let us pray for our country, Liberia. We are in a difficult time. All this is act of lawlessness is happening because there is too much impunity in the country. In Traffic, we drive lawlessly, were everybody taking every opposite line. At the hight of this there is this simple truth that there is too much impunity in this country. Liberia is descending into chaos. Silence is only acting to perform chaos and lawlessness.
When the country had become so lawless, when people start to feel that it’s normal to be lawless than the country is sending the wrong message, Mr. Brown said furthered.
Lawlessness will stop all citizens soonest, Chairman Brown said, underscoring all have to collectively work to end lawlessness and impunity in the country.
“We must end this attitude of lawlessness. I want to speak on this matter of national urgency. All around us we are witnessing fear and violence in our country all because of lawlessness. Disregard for the rule of law and in some cases agencies, and those with the authority to uphold the law are not doing so” Amb. Brown pleaded.
Recently the University of Liberia was seen not as a place of learning, because it was saw it descending into chaos, dishonored and violence by officials of the government with the authority to provide law and order in the country.
He also stated recently many Liberian also lost their lives in a tragedy car incident because of the same lawless in driving, something he furthered can only be curbed when the country collectively work to end impunity.
Amb. Brown narrated that chaos and lawlessness will only multiples in the country when those with authority act decide to not act even they are ask to do so by law.
“When you are supposed to act, fearlessly, fairly, Independently and you fail to do so, than you yourself setting the basis for chaos and confusion in the country. We have a duty to protect our democracy. Too many give their lives for this democracy we are enjoying. The lawlessness and fear are many to the point government officials can only speak the truth in private” he stated.
It is better to speak now and say the truth instead of disturbing tomorrow, adding that he is seeing Liberia descending into chaos.
“There is a total break down of law and order around us. You compromise one law, you should be ready to compromise all. We have to speak and protect this country because we are in crucial period. If we continue to ignore the violence and conflict that is breeding Liberia will not be able to stop the conflict tomorrow” he concluded.
When the country had become so lawless, when people start to feel that it’s normal to be lawless than the country is sending the wrong message, Mr. Brown said furthered.
Lawlessness will stop all citizens soonest, Chairman Brown said, underscoring all have to collectively work to end lawlessness and impunity in the country.
“We must end this attitude of lawlessness. I want to speak on this matter of national urgency. All around us we are witnessing fear and violence in our country all because of lawlessness. Disregard for the rule of law and in some cases agencies, and those with the authority to uphold the law are not doing so” Amb. Brown pleaded.
Recently the University of Liberia was seen not as a place of learning, because it was saw it descending into chaos, dishonored and violence by officials of the government with the authority to provide law and order in the country.
He also stated recently many Liberian also lost their lives in a tragedy car incident because of the same lawless in driving, something he furthered can only be curbed when the country collectively work to end impunity.
Amb. Brown narrated that chaos and lawlessness will only multiples in the country when those with authority act decide to not act even they are ask to do so by law.
“When you are supposed to act, fearlessly, fairly, Independently and you fail to do so, than you yourself setting the basis for chaos and confusion in the country. We have a duty to protect our democracy. Too many give their lives for this democracy we are enjoying. The lawlessness and fear are many to the point government officials can only speak the truth in private” he stated.
It is better to speak now and say the truth instead of disturbing tomorrow, adding that he is seeing Liberia descending into chaos.
“There is a total break down of law and order around us. You compromise one law, you should be ready to compromise all. We have to speak and protect this country because we are in crucial period. If we continue to ignore the violence and conflict that is breeding Liberia will not be able to stop the conflict tomorrow” he concluded.
Reported by: Stephen G. Fellajuah
Contact: +231777141491