Liberia Trial Judges have alarmed over the lack of protection for judges and attacks which the institution claimed threatens Judicial Independence and at the same time undermines the rule of law. According to a release by the Trial Judges, the country risks being ungovernable and unstable if the government is not cognizant and in control of the numerous attacks on the lives of Judges and Magistrates in Liberia.
The release recalled that the homes of three Judges including the home of Judge Roosevelt Willie, Roland Dawn, and Ousman Feika were attacked by unknown gunmen. The Trial Judges release furthered that there is a concerted effort by these evildoers to harass and terrorize Judges and magistrates from exercising their constitutional authority to interpret the law.
The release among other things said there have been incidents where local authorities in leeward counties have released traditional masters also known as “Country Devils” in an attempt to frighten magistrates from undertaking their responsibilities. Judge Eva Mappy Morga is the President of the National Trial Judges Association of Liberia and Chief Judge of the Commercial Court Temple of Justice.
Reported by: Morris Wle Tee
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