Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee has said that Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) will work with various high schools in Montserrado County beginning with the MCSS schools to create what he calls “sanitation clubs” aimed at properly managing and controlling waste on the school campuses
The Mayor made the disclosure when he served as Guest Speaker of the program marking the first transition of the government of the Monrovia Consolidated School System Students Union (MCSS-SU) on Friday, May 13, 2022, at the D. Tweh Memorial High School in New Kru Town, Bushrod Island.
“Let me openly talk to you as the Mayor, so that the MCSS schools can be the first group of schools to work with the City government of Monrovia to create sanitation clubs in the various high schools on to manage waste. We want to begin with the MCSS. We want to create sanitation clubs in MCSS which will be directly under the supervision of the Monrovia City Corporation”, he said.
Talking about the importance of sanitation, Mayor Koijee elaborated that the cleaning of the City is not just about the Mayor, but also the responsibility of the citizenry, he stressed that the citizens must decide, and step forward to ensure that the communities are kept clean, mentioning to the scores of students attending the program that it is their responsibility to ensure their campuses are cleaned and tidy.
Besides, Mayor Koijee took his time to clarify the perception of the public that MCSS students are trouble makers, narrating that it came the time when MCSS students demanded their fundamental rights to education, when it was observed in the past teachers abandoned their classes leaving the students with no alternative but to go all-out calling the attention of the requisite authority that they too deserve education.
“We saw ourselves and the need to champion the cause of those students back then as student leaders because it was our right. Students were in support of one another. We saw students from private schools struggle at the time. Going to school is not a privilege but the fundamental right that the government must ensure to the citizens.”
“That is why President George Weah declared the University of Liberia and all public universities in the country tuition-free for all undergraduate students and the paying of WASSCE fees for students”, he added.

Additionally, Mayor Koijee also spoke of the MCSS schools to return to their uniqueness, particularly proposing to the MCSS that the status of public schools that were elevated to high school be retained and not drop to an elementary level, mentioning Newport and Boatswain high schools. Going back to the uniqueness, he also proposed that the uniforms for elementary public schools remain blue and white, junior high green and white while senior high moron and white.
Despite the challenges, the Mayor however encouraged the students to brace themselves and take up the challenge if they want to be better persons tomorrow, saying do not be complacent, be serious, and focus, because you have a future ahead which you have the responsibility to prepare yourself.
In closing, he asked the D. Tweh students to build networks with other school systems to form a bigger platform to relate to one another academically, while urging the student government to respect the school administration and staff and to work in consonance with the institution for the greater good.
Pledging his support to MCSS schools, Mayor Koijee told the new students leadership that his office will collaborate with MCSS administrations to organize a tutorial program for students of the D. Tweh High School and students of other public schools in Monrovia who will be sitting WASSC and WAEC exams this year 2022.
Get the best math, chemistry, and biology among other subjects’ teachers and a suitable campus for the tutorial, food will be available. I want to see MCSS students pass their exams, he said.
Reported by: Stephen G. Fellajuah
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