As Liberian continue to talk about the assistive use of alcohol the Ministry of health and Liberia alcohol policy has embarked on a three days workshop in order to control the assistive use of alcohol in the Country.
The deputy director at the mental health unit said children under the age of eighteen are ventured into the use of assistive alcohol.
Famata Anise who is the deputy director at the mental health unit said they are working on developing the Liberia alcohol policy in order to control the assistive use of alcohol in Liberia.
She at the same said young people have engaged themselves in the assistive use of alcohol something she said damages people’s lives.
The deputy director at the mental health unit said if the policy passed into law they will take the message to the ordinary Liberian who doesn’t know the effects of alcohol.
Miss Famata said while it is true that they are not stopping the use of alcohol they are trying to control the assistive use of it.
Reported by: Kabina s Kabah
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