Momo Cyrus has given USD$5,000.00 to Lofa County Kickball team for winning the 2021/2022 National County Sports Meet kickball crown. The Lofa County Sports Steering Committee CEO promised the girls at the start of the County Meet in December, that the team will be given USD$5,000.00 if they win the kickball championship.
Chairman Cyrus said the money is his personal appreciation to the Lofa County Kickball team for keeping to their promise of winning the cup. He noted that the county leadership will organize a special program to celebrate the girls like it was done for the boys last year.

Lofa girls defeated Rivercess county 2-1 home runs to win the county’s first kickball crown. Here are individuals that were given at the climax of the competition in both kickball and football categories:
Korto Boye-MVP (Lofa County) LRD$ 20,000.00.
Vera Francis-Best Pitcher (Lofa County) LRD$ 15,000.00.
Ezekiel Doekpah-Best Coach (Lofa County) LRD$ 15, 000.00.
Sarah Sanadah-Highest Home Run( River Cess County) LRD$ 15,000.00.
Emily Wea Overall fair play award( Grand Gedeh) LRD$ 15,000.00.
Football Category
Matthew Logan- Top Scorer (Rivercess County) LRD$ 15, 000.00.
Saah Korfeh-MVP (Gbarpolu County) Cash Prize LRD$ 25, 000.00.
Amara Kamara-Best Defender ( Nimba County) cash Prize LRD$15,000.00.
Teddy Kollie- Best Goalkeeper (Nimba County) cash prize LRD$15,000.00.
Mouctarr Fofana- Best Coach (Nimba County) LRD$15, 000.00.
Meanwhile, the Mountaineers of Nimba County on Sunday, January 16, 2022, defeated Little Gbarpolu County 2-1 to win the football final of the National County Sports meet for the fifth time in history.
Nimba County male football team walk away with a giant side trophy and five hundred thousand Liberian dollars LRD$ 500,000.00 from the organizers as a reward for winning the competition.
Margibi County for their part did not spare Grand Bassa County 2-0 in the 3rd place final of the football category, while Grand Gedeh County got a hard-fight 3-2 home runs over Maryland to win the 3rd place final in kickball. The matches took place at the SKD Sports Complex in Paynesville.
Reported by Sports Director: Sylvester Tamba
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