Paynesville- The ARISE new survey study ranks government performance poorly, and according to Naymote Partners for Democratic Development’s second edition of the Legislative Digest report, parliamentarians perform poorly in 2022 in terms of oversight and lawmaking.
According to the report, the 54th National Legislature underperformed in 2022 when it came to passing laws. Only 18 of the 56 measures voted by the Legislature originated in the legislature, the report claims, as opposed to 35 coming from the executive arm of government.
Members of the National legislature have come under fire for reportedly accepting “brown envelope” payments from the executive branch in order to expedite the adoption of legislation. The report also emphasizes how the legislature failed to give ministries and agencies the required oversight, allowing institutions of government to operate without being held accountable.
According to the report, the National legislative received about 64 million US dollars for the country’s national budget during the year under review. Eddie Jarwolo, Executive Director of Naymote, said during a news conference on January 10, 2023, in Paynesville that there are no financial records accessible to account for the use of such money.
The Institution will continue to undertake free, fair, and transparent processes in the interest of the nation and its residents, according to Nyambo’s executive director. He stated that the Institution’s goal was to make sure that the promises made by public leaders were adequately carried out following the nation’s political procedures.
At the same time, the Institution is urging Liberia’s legislature to pass rules that will encourage the inclusion of women in the legislature and other public decision-making bodies. He said that despite various efforts over the years to include and represent women in leadership and decision-making institutions, they discovered during their study that the legislature is still predominately made up of men.
Reported by: Joseph N. Kerkula
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