Monrovia, Liberia – The renovated D. Twe Sports Pitch in the Borough of New Kru Town has been formally dedicated by Liberia out going President, George Manneh Weah. President Weah told reporters during the dedication ceremony on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, that the D. Tweh field is one of the many football fields he played on when he was a competitive soccer player in Liberia.

As a former football player, the Liberian leader expressed his excitement over the state of the D. Twe sport patch, saying, it always brings him joy to see it flourish. Just days before his term of office come to an end, the Liberian president asked the people of New Kru Town and it surrounding to always keep the area clean for everyone.

Recalling that the D. Twe Sports Pitch’s renovation was also a consequence of an appeal from Representative Dixon Seboe of Montserrado County’s electoral district #16, President Weah praised the Minister of State without Portfolio for the effort’s successful execution.

The Liberian leader promised to add basketball and volleyball courts to the D. Twe sport pitch for public use. Many residents, stakeholders, including Representative Dixon Seboe and the Borough Governor, as well as other high-ranking government officials, attended the dedication ceremony.




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