The arrival of President Weah in Bahn one of the commercial cities in Nimba was at a standstill as citizens craved to meet the Liberian Leader. Welcoming the president, the Traditional Leaders thanked President Weah for the visit to the city of Bahn-Zoger District. They presented white chicken and kola nut as a sign of peace and welcome.

Also welcoming Mr. Weah, Supretadent Logan said, during the campaigning period in 2017, many people said he was not fit for the job but his developmental agenda has proven all critics wrong. He added that his good works in that part of the country have turned the city of government support with no opposition. He on behalf of the people of Bahn to remain peaceful and obey all rules and order governing the country.

The people of Bahn at a Town Hall meeting with President Weah

Meanwhile, the people of Zoger presented several gift items to the president, Senator Johnson, and Minister Sirleaf. They also promise not to turn their back on the Liberian Leader come 2023 and promise to make him president for the second time.

During the same program, several citizens of the city of Bahn who belong to other political parties including the Unity Party and ANC joined the CDC political party. They were received by Minister Nathaniel McGill on behalf of the party’s chairman, Mulbah Morlu.

New CDC members in photo with President Weah

According to Senator Prince Johnson, the bringing of electricity, more high schools, and road construction, all show President Weah’s developmental drive for the country. He added that the people of Nimba are behind Mr. Weah’s 2023 re-election and promise to retain him come 2023. Senator Johnson expressed that all presidents are powerful but a Liberian Leader is a down-to-earth person. He informed all citizens not to elect anyone who will insult the president.

President Weah in response thanked the people for their support and encourage all to rally behind the government for the growth and development of the area. He requested the people of Bahn to give his government to build a new city hall as they have requested. He promised to electrify the community, noting that such a project will be under the presidential project.



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