Monrovia, Liberia – Assuring the reversal of its negative vote through the proper channels at the UNGA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia claims to have registered a new vote in favour of an Israel-Gaza war truce. Reversing a recent vote by the Liberian diplomat that supported the United States’ support for the continuation of the war in Gaza was President Weah’s directive to Foreign Affairs Minister Maxwell Kemayah.

In an official statement released on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, in Monrovia, the government of Liberia explained that President George Weah, who is primarily responsible for the country’s foreign policy, did not agree with the diplomats’ decision to vote against the UNGA Resolution that called for an end to hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

According to the Foreign Ministry’s statement, President Weah made a strong plea to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu long before the vote, asking him to show restraint and take into account the needs of civilians, who are the true victims of the ongoing crisis. He also asked for a humanitarian lull in the armed hostilities to ensure the delivery of relief supplies while allowing for a diplomatic settlement.

In a related development, the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the UN has spoken out over the recent rejection of a UN resolution aimed at bringing an end to the conflict between Israel and Gaza.

Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Sarah Fyneah, stated in a statement released on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, that the country’s first vote on the UN Resolution on December 12 was based on a previous directive by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which went against the government’s long-standing position.

According to Ambassador Fyneah, the difference raises questions about possible distortion; thus, the President should ask the Minister for clarification. The minister appears to have disregarded his orders since November 4, which was a month before the UN vote.

The UN representative for the Liberian government said that the Ministry is to blame for the incorrect directive and that it is important to preserve the good name of Liberia’s diplomats there, who continue to put up the effort and sacrifice necessary to support the UN’s mission despite obstacles.

Photo credit: CNN Philippines



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