Monrovia, Liberia – The Assembly of Liberian Health professional has termed the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance USD$50 top up for health workers as provocative and a complete breach of the Health Sector Pay Grade and Salary Reclassification Policy, while threatening a nation-wide strike action beginning December 10, 2024.

The Liberian Society of Medical Imaging Technologies, the Liberian Association of Operating Room Technicians, the Liberian Association of Environmental Professionals, the Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists, the Liberia Pharmaceutical Association, the Liberia Nurse Association, the Liberia National Physician Assistance Association, the Liberia Midwives Association, the Liberia Association of Nurse Anesthetists, and the Liberia Medical and Dental Association are all members of the Assembly of Liberian Health Professionals.

Following the submission of the Draft 2025 National Budget to the Legislature, Augustine K. Ngafuan, Minister of Finance and Development Planning for Liberia, stated that nurses, midwives, and physician assistance would receive US$50 top-ups per month under the current budget, while other health workers would receive US$25–40 depending on their level.

However, in response to the government’s most recent disclosure, Theophilus Tamba Fayiah, the group’s chairperson and president of the Liberia National Physician Assistance Association, told the media at a packed press conference with the heads of the supralisted institutions that it is very regrettable that the government of Liberia will disregard the Health Sector Pay Grade and Salary Reclassification Policy and implement a new policy to increase health workers’ salaries.

According to him, the policy was initially supposed to start in the 2024 national budget, but because of the implementation’s delay, they requested the government to include it in the 2025 national budget to guarantee its prompt execution.

“Without the Reclassification Policy, we perceive the Liberian government’s US$5o top-ups through the Ministry of Finance as provocative. This is an attempt to address pay inequality and equity in the healthcare industry. Many have previously claimed that, although doing the same task, we do not receive the same compensation as the government. It is evil to disregard this document and bring flat-rate because the government signed onto it.”

He maintained that they worked with a consultant recently supplied by the Liberian government, who verified the policy and signed a commitment to enforce it. Among the issues addressed, he says, are salary disparities, as the current pay structure creates inequalities among healthcare workers of different professional categories, despite the fact that providing high-quality services is a shared goal.

He said that after the modification, they humbly asked the government to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the different institutions so that the policy, which the government had introduced and approved, could be implemented.

“We, the health workers, will begin a nationwide strike if no tangible action is taken within the timeframe. All services will be discontinued as part of our collective action until the government shows that it is committed to meeting our demands. To prevent an interruption of healthcare services nationwide, we implore you to take this issue seriously and work with us. We are still dedicated to improving the health sector and the well-being of healthcare professionals, and we hope that the government is on board.”

Reported by: Prince Saah

Contact: +231778239813



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