A health practitioner assigned at the Redemption Hospital in the Borough of Krutown, Ada Joe describes the state-owned Redemption Hospital as a death trap for many patients.

Madam Joe disclosed that the health facility lacks common drugs for malaria and other local medications, adding that patients usually die on a daily basis due to their financial inability to buy needed pills outside of the hospital.

She indicated that due to the lack of medications at Redemption Hospital, patients are always asked to purchase drugs outside the health facility for treatment.

In an interview with reporters on Sunday, July 31, 2022, the health practitioner stressed that the facility is faced with a lot of challenges which had led to the loss of many lives, adding that the patients are often referred to purchase drugs out of the hospital.

She also unearthed that the Redemption Hospital is being run on the Liberia Electricity Corporation as a source of power supply without a standby generator to address emergency situations.

However, Madam Ada Joe is calling on the 54th National Legislature to pay serious attention to the health sector in the country, stressing that members of the Liberian parliament are only concerned about themselves.

She calls for the increment of the salaries of qualified and trained health practitioners in Liberia, noting that as a trained health practitioner from Cuttington University she is receiving a peanut of US$140 as a monthly salary.

Meanwhile, Reports 231 independently verified that the current money allocated to the Redemption Hospital in the recast budget is USD$800,000.

Reported by: Boima Johnson
Email: boimajohnson38@gmail.com
Contact: +231776193697


+231778397650/+231881378585 gbaduquansah@gmail.com

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