A Non-Governmental Organization Serene Health Incorporated has launched its three days Early Childhood Deworming Project for children below the age of 6-15years in Nyehn town, Todee District, Montserrado County.
According to the Executive Director of the Organization Maima Pelham, the aim of the project is to buttress government effort in treating children below the age of 6-15years from worms’ sicknesses, adding that the project will last from the 8 of November to the 11 of November, 2021.

Director Pelham added that they are targeting eight thousand children for the deworming treatment from both schools and communities, adding they will be moving out to Todee district, Louisiana Township and Chessemanburg Township for their mobile outreach project.
The Executive Director at the same time called on communities’ leaders, parents and health workers to bring out their children for the medical treatment.