An institution with a focus to ensure every Liberian child gets access to excellent and world-class education has launched its third leadership development fellowship.
The launch of the third cohort for the fellowship on August 15, 2022, is to ensure that every child has access to quality education by increasing the number of qualified teachers in the classrooms and leaders in the community that can generate long-term change.
According to Alicia-Ann Caesar, the new Chief Executive Officer of Teach For Liberia (TFL), Teach For Liberia’s mission is to build a movement to expand educational opportunities by enlisting Liberia’s most promising future leaders. The institution addresses the educational crisis in Liberia by training potential community leaders who have a passion for education and a dedication to improving education development in Liberia.
After selection, the Fellows of the cohort provided the Ministry of Education with C-Certificate training and leadership development training for placement in rural and urban primary schools for a period of two academic years. TFL’s recruitment targets college/university graduates who hold a bachelor’s degree in any discipline, those below 40 years old, and who are passionate about transforming Liberia.
The Board Chair for Teach Liberia is former Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection and Superintendent of Grand Bassa, Madam Julia Duncan-Cassell. When asked about her thoughts on the state of education in the country and TFL’s role in its change, she stated, “Success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice. Most important it is a love of what you are doing or learning to do. Our children deserve better! I believe Teach For Liberia has a place in the change and we will do our part to help our youth obtain a sound and quality education.”
In addition to a six-week Training, the institute focuses on the different teaching methodologies mandated by the Ministry of Education, TFL Fellows are trained in leadership, community organizing, gender equity, inclusive education, and more throughout the two years of the fellowship. This is done to ensure that each fellow has the requisite knowledge and skills to succeed in the classroom, community, and their future professions once they graduate from the fellowship.
“Our country has been impacted by so much and it will take each Liberian working together to make positive change. Our education system was degraded by the Civil War, Ebola, and the Corona Virus. It takes just one tour of a school, seeing the hope in our student’s eyes, or driving past a child who should be in school to understand that there is work to be done and we all need to join the movement to do better for our future,” Alicia- Ann Caesar stated.
Lastly, Madam Alicia-Ann Caesar said transforming education in service to all children regardless of their economic status requires an urgent need to work more collaboratively with stakeholders to achieve a transformed and equitable education for all children. She noted that while progress has been made there is still room to improve the situation for thousands of children who have had limited or no access to quality education.
Since signing its Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education in 2019, Teach for Liberia has been working in with the government, private sector, development partners, and most excitingly, young Liberians to close the foundational learning gaps for children in underserved schools across the country.
On August 29, 2022, Teach For Liberia and the Orange Foundation/Orange Digital Center headed by Executive Director, Madam Sara Buchanan and Senior Manager, Mr. Zaza Mulbah launched their training partnership. This partnership will not only benefit TFL’s staff and Fellows who are excited to utilize and experience the new state-of-the-art space, but the partnership will have wider implications for positive change across the sector. When contacted, Madam Buchanan stated that “ Orange Digital Center offers free and inclusive education resources support to Liberians entering the job market, and to local start-ups, using digital technology which made Teach For Liberia a perfect partner to achieve our mutual goal of excellence for Liberian teachers and students.” There is a clear alignment of both organizations’ missions and mutual dedication to working for an equitable and enriching education system that made the partnership a no-brainer for both teams.
Director Jallah said, Teach For Liberia is committed to addressing the complex issues of inequities in education and the Ministry of Education will continue to deliver solutions to catalyze the transformational change they want for all children in Liberia. A successful nation is one that equips its children with the right skills to navigate a constantly changing world.
Teach For Liberia is for the whole country, though it has currently only worked in three counties, Bomi, Montserrado, and Margibi. The hope is to expand to Grand Bassa and Lofa counties this academic year.
Reported by: Thomas Kojo Roulhac