The Executive Director of the Liberia Albino Society has challenged the government of Liberia to see them as a partner, and not enemies as it had been seen by some Government Officials that are against people living with Albinism.

According to Madam Patricia Logan, their voices had been heard for the past years but national Leaders have not been paying much attention to them, she said politicians are only waiting for Political time to come around with Rice and Fish t-shirts but it is time that People with Albinism need to be smart in making decisions.

The LAS Executive Director told Journalists that her institution invited the Ministry of Gender Children and social protection to graced their Program but refused to attend “where is the Ministry of health since the institution was founded some 15 years ago National Government had not given us that needed attention”, she alleged.

“We will not vote for people who don’t have time for us only but wait for Election Time, when looking at West Africa and Mano River Counties, most of them are doing well in paying attention to Albinos. I’m the protection of people living with Albinism and others Support to their well-being”, Madam Logan said.

The LAS Boss who spoke in an Angry tune said Most of their program that was running over the past years had all come to Stop due to what she called a lack of support to the Institution and its members, “Our Scholarship program is no longer active even our Health care services had not been running due to Government abandonment, she alarmed.

Madam Patricia Logan

“This government is sitting and doing nothing about our project that we started some years back and has no support, but they are engaged in other engagements that are not beneficial to us. No one is there to talk for us, our Budget is around $USD 129,000 but it’s hard for us to get it.

Madam Logan Spoke on Monday, June 13, 2022, at the Ambassador Christian Fellowship international in Sayon Town, Bushrod Island at the official Program making the Celebration of International Albinism Awareness Day.

“On International Albinism Awareness Day, persons with albinism around the world are commemorating this special milestone under the theme “United in Making our Voices heard”.

This year’s theme highlights the need to include persons with albinism in discussions and initiatives affecting their human rights, to ensure they enjoy the equality and protection accorded to them in international law and standards.

The theme also recognizes the need for persons with albinism to work together and build partnerships to effectively tackle human rights challenges people living with Albinism face.

In spite of the many effort and achievements accomplished since the establishment of my mandate in 2015, persons with albinism still have a long way to go in achieving equality and recognition in various spheres of society.

Persons with albinism are largely absent from positions that influence decisions affecting their lives, whether in the public and private sector, at the community level, or in regional and international forums.

The exclusion of persons with albinism in these crucial discussions and spaces can ultimately lead to violations of their human rights.

While some progress is being made in some countries in the areas of health, education, and employment, we continue to witness ritual killings of persons with albinism, discrimination, bullying, and attitudinal barriers against them.

In addition to all this, contemporary human rights concerns and policies developed in response to these issues continue to leave persons with albinism behind.

Reported by: Taisah K.Merfee
Contact: +231888635121/+231776247549



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