Author: Godfred Badu Quansah


The Liberia Basketball Association has suspended four of its referees for the rest of the 2022 league season for misconduct on and off-pitch actions that created disturbances in previous matches. Those suspended are Alex Freeman, Augustine Hunter, Alex Davies, and Thomas Howard. According to a communication in possession of Reports231 News Network signed by the LBA Acting Secretary General Fred Pratt, the referees breached Article Vii section five of the Liberia Basketball Association Constitution. Article Vii section five of the LBA Constitution says “referees shall be fair, professional, objectives and matured in handling matches”. A selected match commissioner will observe…

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The majority bloc of the newly elected leadership of the national youth congress of the Unity Party of Liberi has rejected the proposal advanced by some segment of the national executive committee of the party to appoint   Togar Cephus and Cyrus Greene to ascend to the positions of the National Chairman and the Vice Chairman for Administration of the youths. In July of this year, the positions of the National Chairman and the National Vice Chairman for Administration of the youth congress of the Unity Party were left vacant during the election at the national convention held in Gbarnga City,…

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The agent of M V Ophelia, the ship accused of throwing 12 stowaways off board into the sea, has apologized for the incident and has agreed to shoulder the responsibility of repatriating them to their countries The Managing Director of the ICT Africa-Liberia, Austin Taylor, said the owner of the ship regret the incident and will work through him (the agent) in resolving the matter. Mr. Taylor made the disclosure in a joint press conference with the Commissioner General of the Liberia Immigration Service in Monrovia Wednesday, September 21, 2022. According to him, the crew thought that the stowaways were…

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President George Manneh Weah of Liberia has informed the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly that his Government continues to take action through the formulation of new policy frameworks and strategic interventions to address the impacts of climate change and protect the environment. He said Liberia commits to achieving a target of sixty-four (64%) percent reduction in carbon emission below business-as-usual by 2030. “We believe that the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt (COP 27) will offer the chance to advance the aims of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change”. Mr. Weah…

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Liberia President George Manneh Weah has addressed the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York, United States of America. Speaking at the world event, President Weah cautioned the world body that the challenges confronting the world today will require immediate collective global actions with the United Nations at the center of the search for solutions. He noted that in so doing, the UN must give special consideration to the needs of developing countries, particularly, the Least Developed Countries; in line with the Doha Program of Action for Least Developed Countries for the Decade; 2022-2031. According to Mr. Weah, Liberia…

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The Standard bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) and the political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) Alexander B. Cummings has shapely reacted to his critics saying no amount of lies or blames put against him can deter him from bringing about the real change that Liberian desire. The ANC political Leader’s statement comes in the wake of a video making rounds on social media, reporting that the George Weah Led-government is contemplating rigging the pending 2023 general and Presidential elections. After the video was posted on social media recently, fingers mainly from supporters of the ruling Coalition…

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The Commissioner for Political and Legal Reform at the Governance Commission George Howe has disclosed that the commission is ready to enforce the implementation of the code of conduct ahead of the 2023 elections. The code of conduct is to set standards of behavior and conduct required of public officials and employees of government which guide, regulate and ensure compliance what the norms and behaviors required of all public officials and employees. Commissioner Howe indicated that the commission will next month begin the discussion with government ministries, agencies, bureaus, and commissions purposely for the enforcement and implementation of the instrument. Commission…

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New York, USA- Ahead of Liberia President George Manneh Weah’s address to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, September 22, top female government officials have held a meeting with the UN UnderSecretary, Sima Sami Bahous, who is the new UNWomen Executive Director in New York, United States of America. The meeting was centered around issues affecting girls, women, and children in Liberia. The meeting also highlighted the issue of women’s participation in Liberia’s governance process, especially the 30% women participation in politics. The international community is strongly pushing for 30% women’s participation in the upcoming 2023 presidential and legislative…

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New York, USA – President George Manneh Weah of Liberia joined numerous other world leaders today, Tuesday, September 20, for the formal opening of the 77th United Nations General Assembly Debate in New York, United States of America. The General Debate, which is a component of the General Assembly’s High-Level Week, offers annual opportunities for world leaders to gather and address important global concerns. With all Member States represented, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the primary policy-making body of the Organization and offers a singular forum for multilateral discussion of the complete range of international issues covered by the…

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The Liberia People’s Democratic Party and the National Patriotic Party have clarified the recent joint statement signed by the leaders of the three constituent political parties that formed the Coalition for Democratic Change. On September 8, 2022, the Liberia People’s Democratic Party (LPDP), the National Patriotic Party (NPP), and the Congress for Democratic Change signed a joint statement reaffirming their commitments to work together in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections. Since then, there has been widespread misinformation suggesting that the reaffirmation document signed by the leaders of the three constituent political parties CDC, NPP, and the LPDP is the…

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