Use the Skills acquire to develop your community and country

The First Lady of the Republic of Liberia Amb. Clar Weah has challenged graduates of the Grand Bassa University (GBU) to utilize the skills acquired as a means of developing their community and the country at large.

According to Madam Weah, the young people are the future leaders of Liberia as such, they must positively engage in Nationalistic and Patriotic activities that seek to define their place in the Nation’s history.

She at the same time urged the graduates to believe in themselves and remain optimistic despite the difficulties that the country is currently faced with.

The first lady however used the occasion to motivate females of the graduating class to be strong and independent while at the same time motivating them to also use the knowledge attained for the common good of the country and its citizens.

Her call comes amidst the increase of violence against women and children in the country and the loss of lives without the perpetrators facing Justice.

Amb. Clar Marie Decontee Weah a graduate in pictural

She called on the Youthful generation to take advantage of vocational and technical training for the improvement of the country.

The First Lady made the remarks on Friday, June 17, 2022, when she serves as Keynote Speaker at the 6th Commencement Convocation of the Grand Bassa University College held in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County.

Graduating class of Grand Bassa University

The Grand Bassa University was established in 2008 under the Leadership of former Liberian President Madam, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Since the establishment of the Institution, it has served as a great relief for students who want to further their education within the region and not migrate to Montserrado County to obtain a degree. The University graduated over 253 students in various disciplines.

Reported by: Joseph N. Kerkula



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