Monrovia, Liberia – Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, strongly rejects media claims that he asked religious leaders to offer prayers for the nation’s economy to improve. Minister Ngafuan clarified that no such request was made in an official statement and video footage of his recent presence at the National Legislature on Monday, in response to the allegations that were spreading.
The minister was allegedly resorting to spiritual practices rather than actual economic measures to alleviate Liberia’s financial difficulties, according to the media reports, which caused confusion. However, Minister Ngafuan reaffirmed that the government’s economic strategy is based on sound fiscal policies, strategic planning, and market-driven solutions.
This explanation follows the suspension of U.S. funding through USAID and comes as public concern about Liberia’s economic status has grown. Inflation, unemployment, and other financial issues have plagued the nation, raising questions about how the government will close the economic deficit brought about by the US assistance withdrawal.
Critics had feared that a religious approach to economic recovery would take focus away from important policy changes.
Minister Ngafuan acknowledged the crucial role religious leaders play in providing social cohesion and spiritual guidance, but he also underlined that the government’s economic agenda is still centered on long-term growth strategies, investment opportunities, and structural reforms to lessen the impact of declined U.S. support on Liberia’s economy.
In order to guarantee economic resilience and sustained growth, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning told the public that initiatives to stabilize and strengthen Liberia’s economy are firmly based on workable financial policies.