Monrovia, Liberia – The Liberian Investigator Managing Editor, Lennart Dodoo home was gutted by fire yesterday, March 2. According to Mr. Dodoo, the cause of the fire has not yet been determined as claims on social media and in chatrooms suggesting that the fire was an act of arson linked to his reportage on the UP-led government.

The Liberian Investigator Managing Editor noted that as he is not an anti-government journalist, nor align with the opposition. He report the facts as they are, with no strings attached. “For me, it has never mattered where the chips fall.”

Mr. Dodoo reported that The blaze started in the generator room and quickly spread to the roof of the structures. “By God’s grace, my entire community came together to intervene. It took about 45 minutes to fully extinguish the fire. Thankfully, there were no casualties.”

“I, therefore, urge everyone to refrain from attributing this unfortunate incident to any political motive unless credible evidence proves otherwise.”

Credit: Lennart Dodoo, Managing Editor, The Liberian Investigato



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