Montserrado County District # 8 Representative Moses Acarous Gray has provided USD$2,000 for 15 disadvantaged school-going kids, a television, and a set of jerseys to the Soniwein Community and the clay street intellectual Center.

According to Rep. Gray, the donation to the Intellectual Center is part of his own way of buttressing and supporting the ongoing construction which cost over USD$1,500.

Representative Gray at the same time presented an amount of USD$1,000 to the youth, women, and elders of Perry street community for continuous support to his leadership over the years.

He also pledges to provide LRD$200,000 for women empowerment and LRD$500,000 for women who are engaged in petit business.

The Montserrado County District # 8 lawmaker promised to donate medical supplies to some Health Centers in Slipway, Soniwein, and Buzzi Quarters as a means of providing medication for sick people.

He made the presentation at the weekend doing his regular community outreach.



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