Liberia President George Manneh Weah has re-echoed that dialogue is the best way to keep the peace in Liberia. According to him, violence will only destroy and tear apart the love for countrymen and will slow development. The Liberia leader was speaking as the special guest at the eighth (8th) graduation ceremony of the Adventist University of West Africa Advent Hill, Schiefflin Township-Robertsfield Highway Margibi County.
Expressing passion for education, Mr. Weah noted that he believes that for Liberia to continue on a path of sustainable growth and development, it is imperative that the minds of the youths are developed. He noted that providing quality education to the young people and future leaders is a priority of his Administration.

“We are determined to improve the educational system of our nation, and we continue to demonstrate that by making significant financial commitments in the sector, in which Government is the largest investor”, President Weah alarmed.
Mr. Weah informed his audience that for the 2020 / 2021 budget period, his government appropriated nearly $80 million US dollars to the education sector, which amounted to fourteen (14%) percent of a total national budget of $570 million US dollars for that fiscal year.
“Under the 2022 National Budget, we have increased spending on education, so that all the interventions we are making can lead to systemic and positive transformations in the sector. These budgetary increments will continue annually, despite the fact that we are faced with limited resources and competing priorities. We will remain committed to the advancement of quality education in Liberia”.
The Liberian Leader expressed thanks and appreciation to the West-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists; the West Africa Union Mission; and the South West Liberia Conference for their effort in promoting education in Liberia.

Speaking to the class of Ponofalo, Mr. Weah informed the graduates that they have received a holistic value-based education from the Adventist University West Africa which is the light that is needed for rebuilding Liberia.
“Each and every one of you should be conscious of the realization of the true values that have been imparted to you here, not only for societal development and nation-building but also for your personal development. Ponofalo, as you today make your exit from these halls, please do not allow your Light to be hidden”.

President informed the class of Ponofalo that they are leaders in their communities, villages, cities, towns, places of work, and Liberia at large. He encouraged the graduates to put their newly acquired skillsets and knowledge to work as leaders, wherever they are.