Rehab, Paynesville – A nationwide cleanup initiative headed by Amb. Joseph N. Boakai President elect of the Republic of Liberia has officially begun in an effort to revitalise the nation, particularly the cities of Paynesville and Monrovia. To give the city a thorough cleaning before the inauguration is the aim of the JNB-JKK clean-up effort. As the Liberian government transitions, Amb. Boakai said he acknowledged the pressing necessity for extensive cleanup efforts in numerous Liberian cities before the inauguration.

Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai, the president-elect, praised the first cleanup team for their efforts while reiterating his commitment to bringing the nation back together and pointing out that it is a new day.

“You can be sure that Liberia is headed in a different direction. The days of ceremonial City Major are long gone. To honor Liberia, whatever we do must reflect our nation. Together, we will strive to improve Liberia. By insulting people, you do not build a nation, and the rescue squad will not put you through any more ordeals.”

Boakai, the president-elect, celebrated his birthday on Friday, November 30, 2023, with a large number of Liberians in attendance. The Liberians who supported the clean-up campaign both in and out of Liberia said, it was as part of the festivities.

Reported by: Joseph N Kerkula
Contact: +231777376826