Liberia President, George Weah has informed players of this year’s County Sports Meet that their role is not to just play or pass the ball, but rather, their role is to demonstrate good sportsmanship, fairness and to serve as ambassadors of love and national unity.
“We are here to celebrate our national County Meet. We have listened to songs of peace and unity. The essence of the County Meet is to bring us together, to connect us, and to bring peace and unity amongst us,” President Weah noted.

Mr. Weah spoke at the official kickoff of the 2021-2022 National County Sports Meet on Saturday, December 12, 2021, in Kakata, Margibi County. The Liberian Leader emphasized that togetherness, peace, and unity as core and fundamental essence of the competition.
The soccer Icon called on the referees to do their best in handling games as fairly as possible to avoid confusion that will take away the essence of the national annual football festival. The Chief Patron of Sports wished every County the best of luck as they engage one another on the field of play for the desired prizes at stake. At the opening of the sports festival, Grand Bassa County beat Margibi County 2-0 in the football category, and in the Kickball category, both Margibi and Bass had 1 home each.
Here is the full result of the opening of this year’s sports festival.
Group A
Margibi 0 vs 2 Grand Bassa
Rivergee 1 vs 0 Montserrado
Group B
Nimba 1 vs 1 Rivercess
Grand Kru 0 vs 1 Bong
Group C
G. Gedeh 0 vs 1 Maryland
Group D
Bomi 2 vs 3 G. Cape Mount
Lofa 1 vs 0 Gbarpolu
Group A
Margibi County 1 vs 1 Grand Bassa
Rivergee County 0 vs 4 Montserrado County
Group B
Nimba County 4 vs 4 Rivercess County
Grand Kru 2 vs 3 Bong County
Group C
Grand Gedeh County 0 vs 0 Maryland County
Group D
Bomi County 7 vs 0 Cape Mount
Lofa County 1 vs 0 Gbarpolu County