President George Manneh Weah, has appointed Mrs. Ruth Coker Collins as Minister of Public Works of Liberia. Madam Ruth since joining the ministry has contributed immensely to the infrastructural development of Liberia, especially road development.
The professional Engineer served as Deputy Minister for Technical Services at the ministry before the death of her immediate boss Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan. The state woman later assumes the position of acting minister of MPW with great work done in her position.

As Mr. Weah strives to increase women’s participation in his government, it is not surprising that Mrs. Collins has been appointed as a minister proper of the ministry for which she has worm immensely.
The technician has contributed a lot since heading the Ministry of Public Works. Some of her achievement includes the completion of the Japan Free Way, Barnesville to Johnsonville road, Redlight- Coca Cola Factory road, and RIA-Monrovia road construction, Ganta-Saclapea road construction ongoing in Nimba, Lofa, and Grand Bassa among others.

Mrs. Collins was appointed on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, replacing the late Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan who served in the capacity from 2018 to 2020.
The appointment is subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate where applicable.