Min. Kruah Address National Employment Steering Committee.
Monrovia, Liberia – Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, Sr., the Minister of Labor, has stressed that in order to alleviate the high unemployment rate in the nation, employment for every aspect of the population especially the youth must be given priority.
Minister Kruah emphasized that a sizable percentage of the jobless are stuck in informal work while speaking at the National work Steering Committee’s first stakeholders’ meeting, which was hosted at the Ministry of Labor in Monrovia. He pointed out that poverty, poor income, insecurity, and difficulty accessing necessities are characteristics of that sector.
The Minister emphasized that it would need teamwork to turn the unorganized sector into a formal one and provide possibilities for new workers to enter the workforce.
“Since employment is a cross-cutting issue across all sectors, a tripartite approach involving the government, private sector, and donor institutions is crucial,” he said.
Minister Kruah went on to highlight the Ministry of Labour’s involvement in the “ARREST Agenda,” which emphasizes the necessity of reevaluating and revalidating the National Employment Policy. He clarified that the modified strategy will concentrate on methods created by the public and commercial sectors as well as donor organizations to deal with Liberia’s severe unemployment problems.
Additionally, under the present political regime, he urged stakeholders to support the change of the employment policy. According to him, this will boost the Ministry’s efficiency and make it easier to provide additional job possibilities around the country.
The Labour Minister emphasized the significance of employment promotion for the advancement of the country and reiterated it as one of the Ministry’s main goals. “It is imperative that this policy be revised and fully implemented in order to accomplish our objectives and increase the Ministry’s productivity,” he continued.
The results of the discussions are expected to be crucial in restoring the National Employment Council, Liberia’s highest employment decision-making body, according to the meeting’s organizers. The Technical Committee, which consists of the Secretariat and members from line ministries and agencies’ focal points, will also be reestablished as a result of the conference. Additionally, it will specify how the new Employment Policy and Action Plan will be implemented going forward.
Representatives from a number of government departments, agencies, and partner organizations attended the event. They applauded the Labor Minister for the work as they all collaborate to execute the “ARREST” agenda under the leadership of President Boakai.