Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., the foreign minister of Liberia, recently met with Mad. Ann Linde, the Swedish minister of foreign affairs, in Stockholm as part of the Stockholm+50 Conference.

Foreign Minister Kemayah was cordially welcomed to Sweden and the Climate International Meeting Stockhom+50 by Foreign Minister Linde, who also thanked him for their close collaboration while he served as Liberia’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations in New York.

The Swedish Foreign Minister praised Liberia’s decision to reopen its embassy in Stockholm and emphasized that having a permanent diplomatic mission there would be a boon to Swedish-Liberian relations.

The Swedish Foreign Minister praised Liberia’s decision to reopen its embassy in Stockholm and emphasized that having a permanent diplomatic mission there would be a boon to Swedish-Liberian relations. She further expressed strong appreciation of the firm position of Liberia in relation to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“It is indeed a time when countries need to work together for peace, democracy and respect for the United Nations Charter”, Foreign Minister Linde averred.

Regarding the issue of women in politics, Foreign Minister Linde warmly welcomed Minister Kemayah’s interest and commitment to work toward Liberia adopting a feminist foreign policy, becoming the first African nation to do so; particularly, considering that President George Manneh Weah is Liberia’s feminist-in-chief, and expressed that Sweden strongly supports such an effort and is prepared to support on a technical level.

Minister Kemayah, for his part, informed Foreign Minister Linde of President George Manneh Weah and his Government’s steadfast commitment to enhancing women’s political participation.

Minister Kemayah stressed that in the Liberian Senate, there is now a proposal for a mandatory Minimum 30% Quota for Women Candidates by all Political Parties in Liberia for the participation of said Parties in any National Election in Liberia, adding that the Liberian House of Representatives earlier passed the proposal, and thereafter, sent to the Liberian Senate for concurrence.

Amb. Kemeyah informed Foreign Minister Linde that the Ruling CDC has however decided on a Minimum 40% Quota for Women Candidates, which Foreign Minister Kemayah emphasized is a strong evidence of the commitment of President Weah, as Liberia’s Feminist -In-Chief to improve Women Empowerment.

The Liberian top Diplomat expressed strong interest and political commitment to support a process to adopt a Feminist Foreign Policy, and requested support from the Government of Sweden in developing an action plan and roadmap to actualize it.

 Through the Swedish Embassy in Monrovia, Foreign Minister Kemayah proposed a collaboration and partnership between the governments of Sweden and Liberia, with a bilateral agreement between the two governments to be signed by Foreign Ministers Kemayah and Linde, respectively, to confirm the collaboration and partnership once the two governments agree.

According to a Foreign Affairs release, Liberia’s Foreign Minister also mentioned the youth of Liberia, who he said constitutes the majority of the population of Liberia, stating that it is important for support to address livelihood challenges, education and enable opportunities for the Liberian youth to contribute to the society.  

Foreign Minister Kemayah indicated that he visited the property in Danderyd, Stockholm, Sweden which is owned by the Government and People of Liberia.

Foreign Minister Kemayah stressed that the Property constitutes a very useful resource in regard to the plans of re-opening Liberia’s Embassy in Stockholm.

“The property is however not in a good condition, and needs refurbishment after being abandoned for many years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will make efforts to assess the situation and explore different options regarding the property; excluding the option of selling the Property, and would appreciate support from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign affairs in this regard”, Minister Kemayah noted.

Foreign Minister Kemayah repeatedly stressed that as Foreign Minister, he does not, and will not support any proposal to sell any Property belonging to the Government and People of Liberia.

Minister Kemayah expressed his deep gratitude for Sweden’s commitment to serving as Chair of the United Nations Peace Building Commission’s Liberia Configuration. Both the current Chair, Madam Anna-Karin Eneström, who is also the Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN in New York, and the outgoing Chair, Mr. Olof Skoog, who is now in charge of the European Union Delegation to the UN in New York, have demonstrated steadfast commitments and made contributions to advancing the peace-building efforts in Liberia.

Foreign Minister Kemayah informed Foreign Minister Linde that Liberia is set for Mr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia to formally assume the Chairmanship of the Mano River Union (MRU) at the pending Summit of the Mano River Union later this year.

The State Man also informed Foreign Minister Linde that the Mano River Union, in cooperation with the Liberian government, convened the Mano River Conference in response to President Weah’s vision, directive, strategic guidance, and unwavering desire and commitment to promote, strengthen, and sustain peace, security, stability, and democracy in the Republic of Liberia and the Mano River Basin. The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, in collaboration with the Mano River Union, convened the Mano River Union Diplomatic, Peace, Security and Democracy Conference at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County, Republic of Liberia in November last year (2021) on the Political Situation in the Republic of Guinea and Sustaining Peace, Security, Stability and Democracy in the Mano River Union. The Mano River Union is viewed by the government of Liberia, under the astute leadership of President Weah, as a key tool for the development and maintenance of peace, security, stability, and democracy in the area, which complements the ECOWAS mandate. Support is required on a technical, programmatic, and logistical level.

Regarding Sweden-Liberia relations, both Foreign Ministers Kemayah and Linde emphasised the strong and close partnership and bilateral relations between Liberia and Sweden, and it was agreed to continue the cooperation regarding support for sustaining peace, democracy, human rights, climate and sustainable development.

As stated in a statement issued by the foreign ministry following the meeting, foreign ministers Kemayah and Linde also concurred that feminism will receive special attention in the development of Liberia’s action plan and roadmap toward becoming the first country in Africa. This is especially true given that the country’s president is a feminist-in-chief.



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